
EC and Board messages – farewelling Gigi

So many memories of Gigi from the years we had been together in DAWN….from my first impressions of this feisty, sharp and laughing woman who I met thirty years ago…her warmth, her energy, her commitment to gender, social and economic justice….her love of good food – always rice, always spicy – the way she jumped in and gave of her time and ideas without barriers….her love and generosity with youngsters, including my own….her willingness to engage and argue without rancor….to fight the good fight no matter what the odds….from Gigi I learned that toothpaste protects against teargas(!)….laughing with Gigi in the water of many pools and oceans (she was an atrocious swimmer but would gamely splash about)….thinker, fighter, companera, friend….I will miss her greatly…
Gita Sen
Remembering Gigi at this time and all she means to so many across the world. Her life and work epitomised the many struggles for justice and I found her an inspiring feminist who led by example. I celebrate with all of you Gigi’s invaluable contributions and at the same time share a deep sadness with her children, her siblings and her friends and DAWN comrades on her death. Images of Gigi in the various spaces in which we engaged over the years are tattooed on my mind.
With love and solidarity
Viviene Taylor
This is indeed terribly sad. I too want to remember her unwavering commitment to the struggle and her inexhaustible energy and her infectious laughter. Thank you, Gita for so eloquently expressing our condolence to the family.
In sadness,
Zenebework Tadesse
A big hug to share the loss…No puedo escribir en engles cuando los sentimientos son tan fuertes.
Muy triste.
Celita Eccher
Darling Gigi, beloved comrade, steadfast friend, fiery and feisty feminist. You fought the good fight everywhere with no compromise at every difficult and critical moment. universal feminist, humanist and internationalist, i salute you with love. may your spirit be around all of us eternally and may you rest in peace.
Kumi Samuel
Today we celebrate your life, that changed the lives of so many. Your memory will remain an inspiration for feminists all around the world. Thanks Gigi, for your contribution to human equality. We will honor you by continuing to work in the path you opened. Buen viaje! Un abrazo.
Corina Rodriguez
Gigi’s passion, her sharp feminist analysis and commitment for justice and for challenging the powerful inspired many of us. Her critical political engagement from the WTO to the WSF, from the University to the United Nations, has shaped the way we link advocacy and policy analysis. I have learnt so much from her, from her writings, from her lectures and workshops at the DAWN Training Institute and IALLA, from her advocacy skills with governments and networking skills with “the boys”, from her hard work but also her willingness to enjoy company, food, music, jokes. We will miss you so much! But we will try to honor you, celebrate your life and the way you changed all our lives.
Nicole Bidegain
Beloved Gigi,
You have been a bright and shining star in my life and your light will never ever dim. Your scholarly work, your tireless global activism, your political savvy, love of life and sense of fun have enriched and enlivened DAWN for many years. Be now at peace, dearest Gigi. Your spirit will continue to inspire us, as well as future generations of feminists in the South.
Claire Slatter