Special Coverage: DAWN at the Feminist Forum against G20

DAWN has been one of the key promoters of the Feminist Forum against G20, an initiative that articulates dozens of feminists’ and women’s organisations and networks, and which is part of the broader coalition of international civil society movements organizing the Global Action Week and People’s Summit against the G20, that will take place from November 25 to the 1st of December in Buenos Aires, Argentina, parallel to the G20 Presidential Summit. Here we present a collection of the different activities and resources related to this process (versión en español disponible aquí):

The initiative of this Feminist Forum is based on the experience during the first Feminist Forum against Free Trade at the end of 2017, within the context of the Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Buenos Aires, Argentina:


During the month of May 2018, a series of strategy meetings and capacity building workshops took place related to the organization of civil society and social movement’s resistance towards the G20. DAWN was represented by Flora Partenio, Corina Rodríguez Enríquez, and Alejandra Scampini:


In July 2018, DAWN hosted the first of a series of webinars to discuss the challenges of G20 and how sexual dissidence, women and feminists´ organizations are mobilising:


On the 7th of August 2018, DAWN co-organized a new meeting to advance in the preparation of the Feminist Forum against G20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina:


On September 1st, the NO G20 Assembly together with other organizations convened an International Preparatory Meeting to advance in the organization of the popular rejection of the G20 policies. DAWN was represented once more by Alejandra Scampini, Flora Partenio and Corina Rodríguez Enríquez:


During the first two days of October, parallel to the Women20 summit, the Feminist Forum mobilized in Buenos Aires with artistic manifestations and debates about alternatives to the G20 policies:







Neither victims nor entrepreneurs: The feminist mobilizations against the W20 in Buenos Aires