DAWN’s articles are the result of discussions, research and networking with partners across the world. They are made available for free, under a Creative Commons License, as part of our mission to disseminate feminist knowledge and perspectives. Browse from the most recent to the oldest ones or search for keywords you may be interested in. Download and share as many as you like.
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Diversifying Strategies for Feminist Digital Activism in the Global South

Data Subjects in the Femtech Matrix: A Feminist Political Economy Analysis of the Global Menstruapps Market

Precarización del trabajo y estrategias de trabajadoras en plataformas digitales

Growing e-Commerce and Diminishing Labor Rights: Platform Work in Argentina

Lecturas feministas de la pandemia: construcciones, alternativas y desafíos rumbo al 8M

Can Digital Justice Meet Social Justice?

When ageing society meets the digital divide

Heroes deserve better

Education: Weakening Connectivity and Growing Inequalities

Kit 4.0 Elaborado por la Confluencia Feminista

Spotlight Report 2020: Shifting policies for systemic change

Humanizing the digital justice debate

Pandemic Meets Precarity: The Case of Platform Delivery Work in Latin America

From ill-founded delusions to real possibilities: An e-commerce agenda for women’s empowerment

A feminist future of work in the post-pandemic moment

Back to Where We’ve Always Been: Sex/Gender Segregation Amid Covid-19

Materiales para un confinamiento en clave de Economía Feminista

Argentina in the new neoliberal cycle since December 2015: social security is going backwards

Setbacks 4.0: The Challenges of Social Protection for Platform Workers

A crisis of social protection is at the heart of current migration trends

Social Protection and Ending Poverty in Pacific Island States: a new fad or a real solution?

Is social protection working for women in Southern Africa?

The Review on Social Protection and Access to Healthcare by Sex Workers in Cambodia