DAWN’s articles are the result of discussions, research and networking with partners across the world. They are made available for free, under a Creative Commons License, as part of our mission to disseminate feminist knowledge and perspectives. Browse from the most recent to the oldest ones or search for keywords you may be interested in. Download and share as many as you like.
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Current challenges and debates on social protection in the global South

Retrocesos 4.0: los desafíos de la protección social de les trabajadores de plataformas

La Argentina en el nuevo ciclo neoliberal iniciado en diciembre de 2015: la seguridad social en retroceso

Advancing women’s rights and strengthening global governance:
the synergies

Governance of data and artificial intelligence

Feminist mobilization and multi-stakeholder governance structures: insights from WTO and G20 experiences

Governance of Data and Artificial Intelligence

Gender Blindness and the Annulment of the Development Contract

Notes for March 8, in the face of global exploitation and inequality

Cuerpo, sexualidad y reproducción en contextos cambiantes

Knowledge and politics in setting and measuring the SDGs

Las penas de Nicaragua: historias de resistencia

The pain of Nicaragua: stories of resistance

Reflections on SDGs and Feminist Movement Building

The SDGs and Feminist Movement Building (UN Women Discussion Paper Nº 27)

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Post 2015 Development Agenda

Body, sexuality and reproduction in a changing context

Gender Equality in the Digital Economy: Emerging Issues

Informe Alternativo al Comité DESC IV Evaluación periódica de la República Argentina

Análisis del Capítulo de Género y Comercio del TLC entre Argentina y Chile

Sexual and Reproductive Health
and Rights in the Post 2015
Development Agenda

¿Pour quoi organiser un Forum Féministe contre le G20 ?

¿Por qué un Foro Feminista contra el G20?