DAWN’s articles are the result of discussions, research and networking with partners across the world. They are made available for free, under a Creative Commons License, as part of our mission to disseminate feminist knowledge and perspectives. Browse from the most recent to the oldest ones or search for keywords you may be interested in. Download and share as many as you like.
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Flujos financieros ilícitos que socavan la justicia de género

DAWN at the 14th EFLAC: Reflections from the field

Adressing interlinkages for effective implementation of SDGs

Feminist mobilizing and intense advocacy from Rio +20 to the SDGs

Feminists in the Streets and Thinking: Reflections on the International Women Strike (IWS)

The Great Assembly

Self-management as a practice and alternative: building feminist bridges

Defending Seeds, Land and Life: Reflections from the Southern Africa Peoples Summit

Feminist Voices at HLPF 2017: Interview to Viva Tatawaqa

Corporate power: a looming threat to the fulfilment of women‘s human rights

Aid groups say they’re ’empowering’ women with cows and chickens. They’re not.

Linking Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice: Feminist Perspectives from Latin America

A Complex Journey: Engaging with Political Restructuring and Social Transformation in Sri Lanka

DAWN Alumnae – Renewed alliances between women to fight the HIV and AIDS epidemic

DAWN Alumnae – Feminism as a strategy of resistance in spaces of social action

The feminist path in the Social Forum of Resistances: reflections 16 years after the first World Social Forum

Phambili African Unity, but only for a Continental Free Trade Agreement on African peoples own terms

Private sector, development agenda and women’s human rights: synergies or contradictions?
Illicit Financial Flows Undermining Gender Justice

Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Argentina y Chile

A Feminist Perspective on the Follow-Up Process for Financing for Development

Agenda 2030/SDGs: Global Policy Watch Briefing #11 – The HLPF 2016

Transforming the world by 2030: the challenge for women