DAWN’s articles are the result of discussions, research and networking with partners across the world. They are made available for free, under a Creative Commons License, as part of our mission to disseminate feminist knowledge and perspectives. Browse from the most recent to the oldest ones or search for keywords you may be interested in. Download and share as many as you like.
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Implementing the Montevideo Consensus on SRHR

Learning and Reflection on the Montevideo Consensus

Innovation, Transformation, and Sustainable Futures in Africa

Women’s Rights to Greater Access to Adequate Basic Social Services

The role of secret financial jurisdictions in undermining gender justice and women’s human rights

Why regional agreements can go further than global ones?

Advances and Challenges in Implementing the Montevideo Consensus – experience from Caribbean region

Defending Pacific Ways of Life: A Social Impact Assessment of PACER-Plus

DAWN Regional Advocacy Tools on SRHR for Cairo@20

Women’s rights: Illustrating the importance of a holistic approach to the 2030 Agenda

Overcoming Global Structural Obstacles And Accountability Gaps For Realizing Women’s Human Rights

FfD3 Geopolitical Analysis

Bold Steps for Raising Structural Challenges: The Enabling Environment for Women’s Rights, Global Justice and Sustainable Development

Book Review by Sehin Teferra: The Remaking of Social Contracts – Feminists in a Fierce New World

Reseña del libro: Refundando los contratos sociales – Feministas en un mundo feroz

Shifting Responsibilities without Changing the Balance of Power: What Chance of Equality with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda?

Rumbo a la Tercera Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Financiación para el Desarrollo: viejas tensiones y nuevos desafíos emergen en sesión de negociación

Towards the Third International Conference on Financing for Development: Old Tensions and New Challenges Emerge in Negotiating Session

Book Review: The Remaking of Social Contracts

Advocating in 2015 for a sustainable, gender just and human rights based development framework for the next decades

Lessons from Bilaspur, By Prof.Gita Sen

Human rights organizations focus on financing for development negotiations

Working Paper: Corporate Influence in the Post-2015 Process