DAWN’s articles are the result of discussions, research and networking with partners across the world. They are made available for free, under a Creative Commons License, as part of our mission to disseminate feminist knowledge and perspectives. Browse from the most recent to the oldest ones or search for keywords you may be interested in. Download and share as many as you like.
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Interlinking Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice in Latin America: Towards a Development Based on the Sustainability of Life

Sixth Asia Pacific Population Conference Analysis by DAWN, RESURJ and IWHC

Analysis by DAWN, RESURJ, YCSRR and IWHC on the Montevideo Consensus

Policy Space Needed for Rights-Based Development: Saving the new generation of Development Goals from a New Corporations-Driven Task List

Women’s Rights in Political Transitions

Neo-extractive Realities, Post-extractivist futures: Pacific Women and Feminist Development Alternatives

No Empowerment without Rights, No Rights without Politics: Gender Equality, MDGs and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

Joint Analysis of CPD45

2nd Asia Capacity Building Workshop on Human Rights and Economic Justice

Analysis Paper on the Rio+20 Process and Outcome Document

Viewpoint: Additionality or Bust!

A Historic Human Rights Victory

7 Deadly Steps?

Gender Biased Sex Selection: Key Issues for Action by Gita Sen

Engendering Social Security and Protection: The Case of Asia, by Gita Sen

Momentum Effect Created by Youngistan

Young Feminist Reflections, Struggles and Critique: Where are the Women?

Amnesty International and Cageprisoners: Statement by Gita Sahgal

A Feminist Agenda for Transforming Structural and Technological Convergence

Environmental Education and Gender Justice: Presentation to the Commission on Environment, Ecology and Sustainable Development (ICAE 7th World Assembly)

Policy Space for Developmental States in a Multi-Polar World: In Search for Social Reproduction and Economic Redistribution

Beyond the Theory-Practice-Activism Divide

Food Crisis and Sovereignty in Sub-Saharan Africa