The DAWN Discussion Papers are intended to generate wide-ranging debate and discussion of ongoing analysis under different themes on which the organisation works. The papers are made available prior to finalisation as part of our mission to inform, network and mobilise. Feedback and comments are welcome and may be sent to
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Financing the Blue Economy: Impacts and Implications for Gender
Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the global South

An Analytical Framework on the Gender Impact of China’s Global Engagement in the global South

JAMAICA: COVID-19, Labour Policy and Domestic Workers Rights

SOUTH AFRICA: Social Protection through Fiscal Policy during the COVID-19 pandemic

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: Social Protection and Care Policies in a Time of COVID-19

BARBADOS: Social Policies in times of COVID-19: Analysis of the Adopt Our Families Programme and The Increase of Minimum Wage

KIRIBATI: Pacific Labour Mobility Schemes in the COVID-19 Context

CHINA: The Impact of COVID-19 on Domestic Workers and Policy Responses

GHANA: The Socioeconomic Cost of COVID-19 Austerity: The Case of the School Feeding Programme

CHILE: Collective Care to Confront the Pandemic and the Criminalisation of Migration

MALAYSIA: Organising Migrant Domestic Workers: Prospects and Challenges in times of COVID-19 crisis

BOLIVIA: Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in the COVID-19 Crisis

ARGENTINA: The Pathway Towards the National Care System

INDIA: Pandemic, Patriarchy and Precarity: Labour, Livelihood & Mobility Rights

Body, sexuality and reproduction in a changing context

Women’s Rights and Organising in China in the Conjuncture of COVID-19 and Beijing+25

The Representation of Women and Claims to Citizens’ Rights in Africa: Beyond a Political Debate

La pandemia como portal:
transformaciones de políticas que disputan la nueva normalidad

The pandemic as a portal: policy transformations disputing the new normal

Corporate Accountability and Women’s Human Rights:an Analytical Approach to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Universal Health Coverage, Gender Equality and Social Protection: a Health Systems Approach

Case Study Alberto Barton-Callao Hospital III Public Private Partnership and its Primary Care Center, of the Health Care Network La Red Asistencial Sabogal de EsSalud

Estudio de Caso Asociación Público Privada Hospital III Alberto Barton-Callao y su Centro de Atención Primaria de la Red Asistencial Sabogal de EsSalud