Home All Library Items EventsAll eventsDAWN at CEDAW 89: Canada’s Extraterritorial Obligations and Deep Seabed MiningDAWN at CEDAW 89: The Impact of Japan’s Ocean Dumping of Radioactive Wastewater in the Pacific DAWN at IAFFE 2024DAWN at CSW68: Leveraging South-South Cooperation for Gender EqualityDAWN at CSW68: Development Finance and Gender Equality in the Era of Rising South2nd Webinar: Gender Impact of China’s Engagement in the Global SouthDAWN at CEDAW 86: The consequences of nuclear testing on women’s rights in French Polynesia – Mā’Ohi NuiWebinar: Gender Impact of China’s Engagement in the Global SouthA Feminist Digital Justice Declaration for Generation Equality: DAWN & ITfC at CSW 67VIII CONGRESO DE ECONOMÍA FEMINISTAFPV at CEDAW 84Accelerating equality through a gender-just green transition: unlocking women’s and girl’s economic opportunitiesData in the DeepCurrents of Political Change: Reviewing Our Common Heritage & Common ResponsibilityStructural Violence – Capacity Building for Young Feminists in South AfricaWomen contesting ‘equality’ and ‘empowerment’ in seabed mining and oceans governanceCuidados en tiempos de COVID-19: Ideas para la transformaciónCaribbean Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Towards Policy Transformations?Migrant Struggles in Pandemic TimesPandemic Austerity: Southern Feminist Perspectives on the Costs of the Pandemic and Who is Bearing the BruntPolicy Changes During COVID-19: Informal Migrant & Domestic WorkersAlianzas ecofeministas contra el poder corporativoFrom HIV to COVID-19: The Plague of NecropoliticsCOVID-19 – Women from the South Reimagining the Intellectual Property SystemSouthern Feminist Voices: The Political Economy of Conflict and VAW, 2021Covid-19, Social Protection & Informal WorkersEnding the debt crisis for womenDAWN en el Foro de Economías Transformadoras: Segunda ParteNuestros derechos laborales ante la embestida del poder corporativo: Visiones y Alternativas FeministasOur Labour Rights in the Face of the Onslaught of Corporate Power: Feminist Visions and AlternativesCOVID-19 & Rights: the Kerala caseEscuela Virtual de Economía FeministaLa ‘Nueva Normalidad’ en disputa: Propuestas transformadoras desde la Economía Solidaria y FeministaCOVID-19 & Human RightsBiopolitics & the COVID-19 Pandemic: Feminist PerspectivesYou’re invited to DAWN TalksDAWN Talks 2020A Chinese feminist’s reflections on the pandemic: gender, surveillance and rightsA Chinese feminist’s reflections on the pandemicMiradas críticas del cuidado en tiempos de confinamiento y pandemiaEconomías pandémicas y cuidados: pensando alternativas transformadoras desde la emergenciaCuarentena en Clave FeministaNairobi Summit on ICPD25HLPF 2019 side event: Conversation with authors of the Spotlight Report on Sustainable DevelopmentTaxing for Gender Equality: Evaluating Gender Effects of Tax LawsStep it Up! Most Left Behind Adolescent Girls – Turning the Tide on HIV & SRHR for All by 2030Commission on the Status of Women 6333º Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres4th session Intergovernmental Working Group on Binding TreatyWebinar: Global Feminist Visions for a Binding Treaty on TNCs & Human RightsWebinar: Feminist on the Road to G20WTO Public Forum 2018 “Trade 2030”2do Webinario Formativo: Feministas hacia el G20Changing Course for Sustainable Development: Bold Alternatives to Business as UsualFirst Session of the Intergovernmental Conference on BBNJCiclo de Conferencias “La Agenda 2030: Del discurso a la política”Poder Corporativo, Democracia y Derechos HumanosC20 SummitUniversidad de Verano de Movimientos Sociales y Ciudadanos1er Webinario Formativo: Feministas hacia el G20Foro Feminista frente al Libre Comercio / Feminist Forum Against Free TradeThird session of the Regional CPD in Latin America and the CaribbeanHLPF 2018: Launch of the Spotlight Report27th IAFFE Annual ConferenceFirst Preparatory Meeting for the Fight Against the G20 / 1º Encuentro Preparatorio de lucha contra el G20Organizational session: UN Convention on the Law of the SeaCPD 51: Sustainable cities, human mobility and migrationSide Event Global Conference on Taxation and the SDGs: Mobilizing Resources for Gender EqualityDAWN at the World Social Forum 2018CSW62DAWN Workshop: Feminist critique on Extractivism and corporate powerWTO action week and Summit of the peoplesDAWN en el EFLAC 2017Llamado mundial a las mujeres: De pie frente a la OMCConversation with authors of the Spotlight Report 2017Gita Sen on Reinventing Social Contracts: Feminists, Rights and PowerGender and Inequality: Work, Care, and Human Rights in Global PerspectiveDAWN at CPD 48- Panel Discussion and Launch of a special issue of Global Public Health: what’s been achieved? what lies ahead?Gita Sen Speaks at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town, South AfricaWomen and Feminists from the South Advocate on SRHR Toward Cairo+20
DAWN at CEDAW 86: The consequences of nuclear testing on women’s rights in French Polynesia – Mā’Ohi Nui
Accelerating equality through a gender-just green transition: unlocking women’s and girl’s economic opportunities
Pandemic Austerity: Southern Feminist Perspectives on the Costs of the Pandemic and Who is Bearing the Brunt
Nuestros derechos laborales ante la embestida del poder corporativo: Visiones y Alternativas Feministas
First Preparatory Meeting for the Fight Against the G20 / 1º Encuentro Preparatorio de lucha contra el G20
DAWN at CPD 48- Panel Discussion and Launch of a special issue of Global Public Health: what’s been achieved? what lies ahead?