DAWN’s mission is to achieve a progressive and inclusive vision by developing and advocating for feminist analytical frameworks rooted in the lived realities of women of the South, in order to understand the economic, social, cultural and political processes that perpetuate inequalities and violate human rights. We examine development strategies and policies of countries in the economic South from a feminist perspective, highlighting their implications for women and other marginalised groups, and advocating for alternatives.
Since its first strides in the early 1980s, DAWN has been producing and publishing articles, books, magazines, reports, statements, audiovisual pieces and a variety of other materials as part of this effort. On this page you have access to the entirety of this production in chronological order.
Library archive

Corporate Accountability and Women’s Human Rights:an Analytical Approach to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

“En el tejido de las economías transformadoras se puede construir una salida feminista a la crisis”

Universal Health Coverage, Gender Equality and Social Protection: a Health Systems Approach

When ageing society meets the digital divide

Case Study Alberto Barton-Callao Hospital III Public Private Partnership and its Primary Care Center, of the Health Care Network La Red Asistencial Sabogal de EsSalud

Economies Through Data

Mirando las economías a través de la data: perspectivas feministas del sur

Heroes deserve better

Estudio de Caso Asociación Público Privada Hospital III Alberto Barton-Callao y su Centro de Atención Primaria de la Red Asistencial Sabogal de EsSalud

Education: Weakening Connectivity and Growing Inequalities

Call on IMF to stop promoting austerity in the Coronavirus recovery period

Kit 4.0 Elaborado por la Confluencia Feminista

Open Letter to Heads of State Meeting at the UN

Spotlight Report 2020: Shifting policies for systemic change

Rosalind Petchesky wins the Charles A. McCoy Award

Women’s Rights and Public-Private Partnerships in Sierra Leone’s Agro-Energy Sector: A Case Study of Addax Bioenergy Sierra Leone Ltd (ABSL)

PPPs in Ethiopia: The New Frontier

A Feminist Approach to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): The case of the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals in Zimbabwe

Responsabilité des enterprises et droits humains des femmes: une approche analytique féministe des partenariats public-privé (PPP)

Corporate Responsibility and Women’s Human Rights: A Feminist Analytical Approach to Public-Private Partnerships

The Post-Cotonou Negotiations

La ‘Nueva Normalidad’ en disputa: propuestas transformadoras desde la economía solidaria y feminista

Medical Equipment Leasing in Kenya: Neocolonial Global Finance and Misplaced Health Priorities