We are proud to feature feminist voices from the South in a variety of thematic podcasts. From sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to the climate crisis, we approach local, regional and global realities from a feminist perspective, offering in-depth analysis, inquiry and opinion. These audio pieces are the product of broad intergenerational and transnational collaborations. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and join the conversation.
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To Vaccinate the World We Need Tech Transfer, Not Charity

Documento Temático # 5 La OMS y la COVID-19: Iniciativas multilaterales

Documento Temático # 4 Propuesta de exención de los ADPIC: Un debate en curso

Documento Temático # 3 Una evaluación de las flexibilidades de los ADPIC

Documento Temático # 2 Normas internacionales de comercio e inversión, derechos de propiedad intelectual y Covid-19: Una perspectiva desde el Sur

Documento Temático # 1 Acceso a los medicamentos: ¿Por qué debería preocupar a las feministas?

WHO & COVID-19: Multilateral Initiatives – Issue Paper #5 [audio]

TRIPS Waiver Proposal – An Ongoing Debate – Issue Paper #4 [audio]

Issue Paper #3 An Evaluation of TRIPS Flexibilities

Issue Paper #2 International Trade and Investment Rules, Intellectual Property Rights and COVID-19: A Perspective from the South

Issue Paper #1 Access to Medicines: Why Should Feminists Care

Access to Vaccines and Medicines is a Human Right

The Right to Health: Patent Monopoly and Access to Medicines

Disability, Gender and Access to Medicines

Why Should Feminists Care about Access to Medicines in the Context of Covid-19?

Feminist Digital Futures with Cai Yiping at Bot Populi Podcast

Observatorio de Plataformas: Lecturas feministas de las plataformas digitales

Pandemia en clave feminista: Trabajo informal y precario

Pulso Latino: Trabalho feminino em tempos de pandemia

Anfibia Originales: El Deseo de Pandora: La igualdad es con nosotras

Audio completo del 2do Webinario Formativo “Feministas hacia el G20”

Interview with Peggy Antrobus, “Under The Tamarind Tree”

Audio completo del 1er Webinario Formativo “Feministas hacia el G20”