We are proud to feature feminist voices from the South in a variety of thematic podcasts. From sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to the climate crisis, we approach local, regional and global realities from a feminist perspective, offering in-depth analysis, inquiry and opinion. These audio pieces are the product of broad intergenerational and transnational collaborations. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and join the conversation.
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(CPD 48) Dr Juan Perez at: Panel Discussion and Launch of a Special Issue of Global Public Health

(CPD 48) Dr Gita Sen at: Panel Discussion and Launch of a Special Issue of Global Public Health

(CPD 48) Ms Saida Ali at: Panel Discussion and Launch of a Special Issue of Global Public Health

(CPD 48) Dr Carmen Barroso at: Panel Discussion and Launch of a Special Issue of Global Public Health

(CPD 48) Dr Babatunde Osotimehin at: Panel Discussion and Launch of a Special Issue of Global Public Health

(CPD 48) Panel Discussion and Launch of a Special Issue of Global Public Health: Introduction by Gita Sen

[Part 2] Gita Sen on Reinventing Social Contracts: Feminists, Rights and Power

[Part 1] Gita Sen on Reinventing Social Contracts: Feminists, Rights and Power

(CSW 59) Cai Yiping at the Parallel Event “‘The SDG on Inequality: How useful can this be for women’s human rights?”

(CPD 48) Gita Sen at Expert Panel (Part 2)

(CPD 48) Gita Sen at Expert Panel (Part 1)

DAWN at CPD 48: Gita Sen at expert panel at CPD 48

(CSW59) Nicole Bidegain Ponte at side event “The Buck Stops Here: The Road to Addis, Financing Gender Equality and Mobilizing for Political Momentum”

(CSW 55) Intervention at the GEAR Campaign Event

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) DAWN Panel Part 5

CSW 54 Podcasts

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) Technology and Climate Justice by Diana Bronson

(CSW 54) Moving the Agenda Forward: Championing the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action for the Achievement of the MDGs [Part 1]

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) DAWN Panel Part 3

(CSW 54) Intervention of Zo Randriamaro at the “Development if Gender Matters” Seminar

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) DAWN Panel Part 4

(CSW 54) Moving the Agenda Forward: Championing the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action for the Achievement of the MDGs [Part 3]