We are proud to feature feminist voices from the South in a variety of thematic podcasts. From sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to the climate crisis, we approach local, regional and global realities from a feminist perspective, offering in-depth analysis, inquiry and opinion. These audio pieces are the product of broad intergenerational and transnational collaborations. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and join the conversation.
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Creating Transformative Spaces Through the Arts: Interview with Noelene Nabulivou at the DAWN Development Debates

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) DAWN Panel Part 2

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) Black Economy and Militarized Globalization by Zo Randriamaro on behalf of Adebayo Olukoshi with Commentary by Oscar Ugarteche

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) DAWN Panel Part 1

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) HIV/AIDS and Women by Rodelyn Marte

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) Welcome Address by Gigi Francisco

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) Financialization and Global Governance by Stephanie Seguino

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) Gender Identity, Sexuality and Feminism by Ros Petchesky

(DAWN Development Debates 2010) Militarization and Internationalization of Conflict by Rubina Saigol
Gigi Francisco: A Glimpse at DAWN’s History

(AP-NGO Forum, Oct 2009) Speech of Gita Sen at the Plenary, “Beyond the Crises: Forging Ahead with Development Alternatives”

(AP-NGO Forum, Oct 2009) Speech of Gigi Francisco at the Plenary, “An Agency for the Women in the UN, At Last!”