This section is dedicated to statements issued by DAWN and other organisations in reaction to a theme, a multilateral decision, a statement by a government, institution or international body and so on.
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Declaração de Justiça Digital Feminista

Declaración de Justicia Digital Feminista

The Declaration of Feminist Digital Justice

Feminists for a People’s Vaccine Oral Statement Sweden Review 181021

Call on IMF to stop promoting austerity in the Coronavirus recovery period

Open Letter to Heads of State Meeting at the UN

Civil society letter in support of the United Nations and the World Health Organization

Reflexiones de la Confluencia Feminista Hacia el Foro Social Mundial de Economías Transformadoras ante el COVID19

Stop all trade and investment treaty negotiations during the COVID-19 outbreak and refocus on access to medical supplies and saving lives

Open letter: Civil society urges Gilead to take immediate action to ensure access to potential COVID-19 treatment

#8M International Feminist Strike

#8M Huelga Internacional Feminista

CSO declaration on the IMF and austerity policies

Violence is not part of the Job!

Civil Society Letter Against Digital Trade Rules in the WTO

Statement: Sudanese authorities must stop killing peaceful protesters

First Women’s Assembly of the WSF on Migration

Denuncia urgente de la Articulación Feminista de Nicaragua

¡No manipulen la Madre Tierra! Manifiesto contra la Geoingeniería

Hands Off Mother Earth! Manifesto Against Geoengineering

Statement of the Feminist Forum against G20

No en nuestro nombre: Manifiesta del Foro Feminista frente al G20

Día Internacional por el Aborto Legal y Seguro: Declaración conjunta