This section is dedicated to statements issued by DAWN and other organisations in reaction to a theme, a multilateral decision, a statement by a government, institution or international body and so on.
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(CSW) The Beijing Platform for Action 15 Years After: Surviving Multilateral Dysfunctionality in a Fierce New World

(FfD) IGTN/Netright for the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development Statement on UNCTAD (UNCTAD Civil Society Forum)

(FfD) The Global Economic Crisis: Its Causes and Its Multiple Impacts

(FfD) Time to Act: Women Cannot Wait (A Call for Rights Based Response to the Global Financial and Economic Crisis)

No Commitments to Reforming the Financial Architecture

(FfD) Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Financing for Development (Pre-Doha Review Conference)

(FfD) G20 and the IMF: Peddling Cosmetic Changes While Hounded by Illegitimacy

(FfD) A call for structural, sustainable, gender equitable and rights based responses to the global financial and economic crisis

Call for Support for the International Bureau for Laicite (Secularism)
Integrating a Gender Perspective in the Work of the Human Rights Council and Its Special Procedures