Behind the analysis and advocacy, the mobilisation and networking, the learning and teaching, there are women from the economic South working tirelessly towards achieving DAWN’s mission. In this section you have the opportunity to see who we are, to watch lively discussions, presentations, social media pieces and institutional productions. Comment, share, subscribe to our YouTube channel and engage in the process of creating a more just and equitable future.
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Regional Situation, Strategies and Necessary Tools for the Defense of SRHR

Reflection on the DTI Inter-linkages Session

[GEEJ LA] Corina Rodriguez

Rio+20 Series: River Basin

PEAS Session Norma Maldonado

Insights on PEAS Session

Advancing Sexual & Reproductive Rights

Reflections on the DTI Policy Debates

The Big Debate on Maternal Health

Rio+20 Series: Agrarian Reform

Claire Slatter’s Message to DTI Participants

Rio+20 Series: Women’s Rights in Areas of Conflict

Statement of the LBT caucus at CSW57

Beyond the Instrumentalization of Women as a Means for Development

Reflection on the interaction with the DAWNEES

The Role of Partnerships in the Implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda

[CSW 58] Gita @ High-level Round Table on Priority Theme

Nicole Bidegain at the SR on violence against women and SR on Poverty – 8th Meeting 26th Regular Session of Human Rights Council in Geneva

Overcoming Barriers to Comprehensive Sexual & Reproductive Health Services

Gita Sen speaking at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji

Entrevista a Corina Rodríguez -economista y feminista

Rio+20 Series: Stop Homophobia and Transphobia

Rio+20 Series: Sex Workers