The Declaration of Feminist Digital Justice

An Analytical Framework on the Gender Impact of China’s Global Engagement in the global South

Diversifying Strategies for Feminist Digital Activism in the Global South

Climate Crisis

Feminist Digital Futures with Cai Yiping at Bot Populi Podcast

Women’s Rights and Organising in China in the Conjuncture of COVID-19 and Beijing+25

When ageing society meets the digital divide

Heroes deserve better

A Chinese feminist’s reflections on the pandemic

This Lousy Time [SHORT]

Climate Crisis

Equality, Quality and Accountability in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: China Case Study

Equality, Quality, and Accountability in Advancing SRHR in China, India, and Indonesia

Towards Beijing +25: our participation at the UN Women Expert Group Meeting in NYC

Workshop on Corporate Accountability, PPPs and Women’s Human Rights

Bodies, sexuality and rights: advances and resistance

Webinar on Bodies, sexuality and rights: advances and resistance


Día Internacional de la Mujer, 2019

International Women’s Day, 2019

Cuerpo, sexualidad y reproducción en contextos cambiantes

Equality, quality and accountability: three dimensions to work on gender equality and SRHR in Asia and the Pacific

Body, sexuality and reproduction in a changing context

Body, sexuality and reproduction in a changing context

DAWN at the North-East Asian Multi-stakeholder Forum on Sustainable Development Goals

CSOs Statement at the 2nd North-East Asian Multi-stakeholder Forum on SDGs

DAWN at the UN Conference of Counter-Terrorism

Reflections on Yogyakarta Principles +10

DAWN at 9th AP Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Rights

DAWN at the Asia-Pacific Knowledge Exchange on SDGs

DAWN joins experts in Bangkok to analyse ICPD and the 2030 Agenda

Emerging powers, gender, sexuality and human rights

DAWN at CPD 49

Advancing the Montevideo Consensus Agenda: Side Event at CPD49

Learning and Reflection on the Montevideo Consensus

Session 4 of the AP Dialogue on FfD: Financial inclusion

First High-Level Follow-up Dialogue on Financing for Development in Asia and Pacific

DAWN Regional Advocacy Tools on SRHR for Cairo@20

DAWN at CPD 49: Meeting the SRHR of all people: Advancing the Montevideo Consensus agenda

(CSW 59) Cai Yiping at the Parallel Event “‘The SDG on Inequality: How useful can this be for women’s human rights?”

Beijing and Beyond: DAWN Statement by Cai Yiping at the Asia Pacific Civil Society Forum on Beijing +20
UN Women Asia Pacific Regional Civil Society Advisory Group

Elimination and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence through Rights-based and Women-Oriented Approach at UN CSW 57

[DAWN@Rio+20] Los gobiernos apuestan con nuestro futuro: Feministas del Sur demandan acción responsable ahora

DAWN Public Forum May 2012