Climate Crisis

Ending the debt crisis for women

A Chinese feminist’s reflections on the pandemic

Digital Justice

This Lousy Time [SHORT]

Climate Crisis

DAWN INFORME: Protection sociale

DAWN Informa: Protección Social

DAWN Informs on Social Protection

The Political Economy of Conflict and Violence against Women


DAWN Informa: Economía Política de los Conflictos

DAWN Informs on Political Economy of Conflict

Workshop on Corporate Accountability, PPPs and Women’s Human Rights

Gender Blindness and the Annulment of the Development Contract

Towards an international binding treaty to protect the world’s oceans

Public panel in Lima: “Gendered social contracts: struggles for equality and women’s human rights”

Panel público en Lima: Contratos sociales de género

Rio, January 1994

DAWN Forum in Montevideo

Defending Pacific Ways of Life: A Social Impact Assessment of PACER-Plus

Résumé de The Remaking of Social Contracts: Feminists in a Fierce New World (Redéfinir les contrats sociaux : les féministes dans un nouveau monde féroce)

SRHR Panel Discussion “SRHR in the Pacific for the next decades – what’s been achieved? What lies ahead?”

Foro público Uruguay 2030: ¿Hacia patrones de producción, consumo y distribución equitativos y sostenibles?

Reseña del libro: Refundando los contratos sociales – Feministas en un mundo feroz

DAWN organizes Panel Discussion on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Pacific

DAWN Informs on Financing for Development

Book Review: The Remaking of Social Contracts

Justice for All: Addressing Rights, Gender and Disability, By Claire Slatter, SGDIA, USP, DAWN

Claire Slatter’s Message to DTI Participants

Pacific Feminist SRHR Agenda and Advocacy for Sexual Minorities

Rio+20 The Future We Demand

DAWN Public Forum May 2012

Beyond the Theory-Practice-Activism Divide