DAWN informe sur les transformations politiques

DAWN Informa sobre las transformaciones políticas

DAWN Informs on Policy Transformations

Launch of Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2021

“Si nuestras vidas no valen, entonces produzcan sin nosotras ”


DAWN Informa: Asociaciones Público-Privadas y Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres

DAWN Informe: PPPs et droits humains des femmes

DAWN Informs on Public-Private Partnerships

Corporate Accountability and Women’s Human Rights:an Analytical Approach to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

Education: Weakening Connectivity and Growing Inequalities

Spotlight Report 2020: Shifting policies for systemic change

Escuela Virtual de Economía Feminista

Lanzamiento Ciclo de Diálogos Virtuales “Miradas Feministas ante Economías Pandémicas”

Current challenges and debates on social protection in the global South

Capitalism Is Going Very Well (For Capital) [SHORT]

Capitalism Is Going Very Well (For Capital)

DAWN INFORME: Protection sociale

DAWN Informa: Protección Social

DAWN Informs on Social Protection

Workshop on Corporate Accountability, PPPs and Women’s Human Rights

Feminist mobilization and multi-stakeholder governance structures: insights from WTO and G20 experiences

Gender Blindness and the Annulment of the Development Contract

CSW63: synergies between social protection and gender equality


Día Internacional de la Mujer, 2019

International Women’s Day, 2019

Aprendizajes para una economía feminista

Apprentissages pour une économie féministe

Learnings from DAWN’s School of Feminist Economics

Informe Feminista de la Sociedad Civil de Cara al W20

DAWN at the international preparatory meeting towards the Feminist Forum against G20

Aportes de la Economía Feminista desde Argentina

Care systems and SDGs:
reclaiming policies for
life sustainability

Entrevista a Corina Rodríguez, de DAWN, por ONU Mujeres

DAWN Informs on Gender & Global Trade

DAWN Informa: Género y Comercio Global

G20 and Women20 agenda: lessons learnt and challenges for the construction of a new feminist forum

Agenda del G20 y del Women20: aprendizajes y desafíos para la construcción de un nuevo foro feminista

Foro Feminista frente al Libre Comercio / Feminist Forum Against Free Trade

Making history in Argentina: the fight for legal abortion

Towards the Feminist Forum against G20 / Rumbo al Foro Feminista Frente al G20

Las políticas de “austeridad” en la Argentina y su impacto diferenciado en las mujeres, travestis y personas trans

La reorganización social del cuidado en América Latina: ¿ahora o nunca?

Smarter taxation for better gender equality: DAWN at the First Global Conference on Taxation and the SDGs

Flujos financieros ilícitos que socavan la justicia de género

Foro Feminista frente al Libre Comercio

DAWN’s workshop: How does WTO meddle in the life of female workers?

Presentación del libro “Refundando los contratos sociales” en Bolivia

Public panel in Lima: “Gendered social contracts: struggles for equality and women’s human rights”

DAWN at the first Women’s Rights and Tax Justice Convening

Panel público en Lima: Contratos sociales de género
Illicit Financial Flows Undermining Gender Justice

DAWN at CSW 60

The role of secret financial jurisdictions in undermining gender justice and women’s human rights

Shifting Responsibilities without Changing the Balance of Power: What Chance of Equality with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda?

DAWN Informs on Financing for Development
Statement by Corina Rodriguez Enriquez at FfD3 Roundtable 1, Global partnership and the three dimensions of sustainable development – 13 July, 2015

DAWN at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development
Corina Rodriguez’s Speech at the 8th OWG on SDGs
DAWN @ OWG 5th Session, NY

Entrevista a Corina Rodríguez -economista y feminista

Corina Rodriguez’s Intervention at the OWG 5th Session