Gigi: Messages from friends

RIO+20 (Featuring: DAWN delivers Women’s Major Group Interventions at the Rio +20 2nd Informal Informals– Intervention by Gigi Francisco)
Measuring the gender dimensions of well-being, rights and justice
Gigi Francisco’s Intervention at the World Education Forum (Capitalist Crisis, Causes, Impact & Consequences for the World of Education)

Gigi Francisco’s Comments on the Synthesis Report on ICAE’s Virtual Seminar, “Education in a World in Crisis: Limits and Possibilities facing RIO +20,” by Jorge Osorio

DAWN Informs January 2012

(FfD) Intervention at Hearings of Civil Society on Financing for Development

Women’s Rights in Europe and Working with Partners in the South

DAWN Informs May 2007

Trade and Agriculture: Threats to Rural Livelihoods and Food Security

DAWN Informs May 2006

DAWN Informs May 2005

DAWN Informs September 2003