Climate Crisis

Why Should Feminists Care about Access to Medicines in the Context of Covid-19?

Universal Health Coverage, Gender Equality and Social Protection: a Health Systems Approach

Humanizing the digital justice debate

Climate Crisis

This Lousy Time

Climate Crisis

DAWN INFORME: Protection sociale

DAWN Informa: Protección Social

DAWN Informs on Social Protection

Towards Beijing +25: our participation at the UN Women Expert Group Meeting in NYC

Advancing women’s rights and strengthening global governance:
the synergies

Workshop on Corporate Accountability, PPPs and Women’s Human Rights

Gita Sen – UN Women’s Interactive Expert Panel at CSW63, 2019

CSW63: synergies between social protection and gender equality


Surfacing the agendas of the Blue Economy

Reflections on SDGs and Feminist Movement Building

The SDGs and Feminist Movement Building (UN Women Discussion Paper Nº 27)

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Post 2015 Development Agenda

Changing paradigms in favor of sexual and reproductive health and rights

Gita Sen Keynote Address at the Third Annual Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Financing Forum

Sexual and Reproductive Health
and Rights in the Post 2015
Development Agenda

A Paradigm Shift in Population and Reproductive Health: Interview to Gita Sen

Panel Discussion: The Rise of Illiberal Democracy and Implications for Social Mobilization

Rio, January 1994

DAWN Forum in Montevideo

DAWN Regional Advocacy Tools on SRHR for Cairo@20

Résumé de The Remaking of Social Contracts: Feminists in a Fierce New World (Redéfinir les contrats sociaux : les féministes dans un nouveau monde féroce)

(CPD 48) Dr Gita Sen at: Panel Discussion and Launch of a Special Issue of Global Public Health

(CPD 48) Panel Discussion and Launch of a Special Issue of Global Public Health: Introduction by Gita Sen

Goals for the Rich: Indispensible for a Universal Post-2015 Agenda

In conversation: Participatory development

[Part 2] Gita Sen on Reinventing Social Contracts: Feminists, Rights and Power

Gita Sen define este mundo feroz

Gita Sen on Reinventing Social Contracts: Feminists, Rights and Power

Resumen de Refundando los contratos sociales: Feministas en un mundo feroz

Llegan a Uruguay feministas de cuatro continentes

[Part 1] Gita Sen on Reinventing Social Contracts: Feminists, Rights and Power

SRHR Panel Discussion “SRHR in the Pacific for the next decades – what’s been achieved? What lies ahead?”

Foro público Uruguay 2030: ¿Hacia patrones de producción, consumo y distribución equitativos y sostenibles?

Reseña del libro: Refundando los contratos sociales – Feministas en un mundo feroz

DAWN organizes Panel Discussion on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Pacific

DAWN celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD2015) in New York

DAWN Informs on Financing for Development

(CPD 48) Gita Sen at Expert Panel (Part 2)

(CPD 48) Gita Sen at Expert Panel (Part 1)

DAWN at CPD 48: Gita Sen at expert panel at CPD 48

Book Review: The Remaking of Social Contracts

Special Issue of Global Public Health, Volume 10.2: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for the next decades: What’s been achieved? What lies ahead?

Quality public health a must for UHC: Gita Sen

Gender and Inequality: Work, Care, and Human Rights in Global Perspective

Lessons from Bilaspur, By Prof.Gita Sen

Gita Sen Speaks at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town, South Africa

Gita’s Speech at the 7th APCRSHR

The Big Debate on Maternal Health

Gita Sen’s Speech at the Inaugural Meeting of the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

[CSW 58] Gita @ High-level Round Table on Priority Theme

Gita Sen speaking at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji

No Empowerment without Rights, No Rights without Politics: Gender Equality, MDGs and the Post 2015 Development Agenda

Speech of DR. GITA SEN during the public forum: A Local-Global Conversation on the Philippines’ Reproductive Health Bill

[DAWN@Rio+20] Los gobiernos apuestan con nuestro futuro: Feministas del Sur demandan acción responsable ahora

[DAWN@Rio+20] DAWN’s Gita Sen speaks at Rio+20 Press Conference on Human Rights and Equity

DAWN Public Forum May 2012

[eBook] “Breaking Through the Development Silos: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Millennium Development Goals and Gender Equity”

DAWN Informs January 2012

Gender Biased Sex Selection: Key Issues for Action by Gita Sen

Engendering Social Security and Protection: The Case of Asia, by Gita Sen

Population Policies Reconsidered: Health, Empowerment, and Rights

Gita Sen Appointed Chairperson of the Third Session of the UN Human Rights Council Forum on Minority Issues

Historical Reflections on DAWN: An Interview with Gita Sen

DAWN Informs June 2010

(CSW54) Sen: “Challenge is To Bring Together Human Rights and Social Justice”

(AP-NGO Forum, Oct 2009) Speech of Gita Sen at the Plenary, “Beyond the Crises: Forging Ahead with Development Alternatives”

Reflections on the Seminar Gender in the Information Society

DAWN Informs May 2005

DAWN Informs September 2003

DAWN Informs March 2002

Dawn Informs 5/94 – New Approaches v. Old Dogmas