Résumé de The Remaking of Social Contracts: Feminists in a Fierce New World (Redéfinir les contrats sociaux : les féministes dans un nouveau monde féroce)

Resumen de Refundando los contratos sociales: Feministas en un mundo feroz

Reseña del libro: Refundando los contratos sociales – Feministas en un mundo feroz

Shifting Responsibilities without Changing the Balance of Power: What Chance of Equality with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda?

DAWN Informs on Financing for Development

Remarks by Marina Durano at FfD3 Side Event: Good Global Economic Governance, Not Patriarchal Governance – 13 July, 2015

DAWN at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development

Elusive industrialization: Intervention by Marina Durano

(CSW) Rural Women and Development: Interventions by Marina Durano at CSW 56

Politicize CEDAW Article 14(a): Rural Women and the Triple Crisis

CSW 56, New York

[eBook] “Breaking Through the Development Silos: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Millennium Development Goals and Gender Equity”

DAWN Informs June 2010

CSW 54 Podcasts

Policy Space for Developmental States in a Multi-Polar World: In Search for Social Reproduction and Economic Redistribution

Trade and Agriculture: Threats to Rural Livelihoods and Food Security