A Feminist Perspective on the Follow-Up Process for Financing for Development

The role of secret financial jurisdictions in undermining gender justice and women’s human rights

Overcoming Global Structural Obstacles And Accountability Gaps For Realizing Women’s Human Rights

Bold Steps for Raising Structural Challenges: The Enabling Environment for Women’s Rights, Global Justice and Sustainable Development

Shifting Responsibilities without Changing the Balance of Power: What Chance of Equality with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda?

DAWN Informs on Financing for Development

Rumbo a la Tercera Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Financiación para el Desarrollo: viejas tensiones y nuevos desafíos emergen en sesión de negociación

DAWN at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development

(CSW59) Presentation by Nicole Bidegain Ponte at side event “The Buck Stops Here: The Road to Addis, Financing Gender Equality and Mobilizing for Political Momentum”

Towards the Third International Conference on Financing for Development: Old Tensions and New Challenges Emerge in Negotiating Session

Nicole Bidegain at Morning Hearing (OWG 5th Session)

Advocating in 2015 for a sustainable, gender just and human rights based development framework for the next decades

(CSW59) Nicole Bidegain Ponte at side event “The Buck Stops Here: The Road to Addis, Financing Gender Equality and Mobilizing for Political Momentum”

From paper to practice: DAWN’s statement in a meeting on implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development
Del papel a la práctica: DAWN participa en reunión sobre implementación del Consenso de Montevideo sobre Población y Desarrollo

“Hidden Money, Hidden Resources: Financing Development with Transparency” Statement prepared by a group of participants of the Financial Transparency Coalition and Latindadd Conference

Grounding Tax policies on Human Rights Law: What does it take?

Declaración presentada por Nicole Bidegain en el 26º Período de sesiones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos

Nicole Bidegain’s Statement at the 26th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva
DAWN’s Side Events in Geneva (Eventos paralelos de DAWN en Ginebra)

Special High-Level Meeting of ECOSOC with the World Bank, IMF, WTO and UNCTAD
The Role of Partnerships in the Implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Why do Inequalities Matter?

Los vínculos entre la justicia económica, ecológica y de género en América Latina

Interlinking Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice in Latin America: Towards a Development Based on the Sustainability of Life
DAWN @ OWG 5th Session, NY

The Role of Partnerships in the Implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Panel Avances y desafíos sobre la Justicia Tributaria y la Justicia Social en Uruguay

Nicole Bidegain at the SR on violence against women and SR on Poverty – 8th Meeting 26th Regular Session of Human Rights Council in Geneva
Statement by Noelene Nabulivou to UNESCAP Regional Commission

Palabras de Apertura – Nicole Bidegain (DAWN)
Nicole Bidegain’s Presentation in the Expert Meeting: The Human Rights Impact of Fiscal and Tax Policy
Justicia Económica, Ecológica y de Género en América del Sur

DAWN Public Forum May 2012

Nicole Bidegain Ponte speaking in Virtual Teach-In: Sexing and Gendering Development

Feministas de 4 continentes en Montevideo

Why Regions Refocus 2015?