Sofía Scasserra
Sofia Scasserra is an economist. She has served in the trade union movement across Latin America for many years on issues about technology and its impact on labor. Currently, she is the Director of the Observatory of Social Impacts of AI at the University Tres de Febrero, Argentina. She is also an Associate Researcher at the Transnational Institute, where she researches issues regarding the digital economy and society.Sofía Scasserra CONTENT

The Declaration of Feminist Digital Justice
- Agustina Calcagno
- Alejandra Santillana Ortiz
- Anjalee de Silva
- Barsha Chakraborty
- Belén Valencia Castro
- Cai Yiping
- Caitlin Kraft-Buchman
- Diyana Yahaya
- Emilia Reyes
- Farzana Nawaz
- Fernanda Bruno
- Ghausia Rashid Salam
- Gyssele Mendes
- Ingrid Brudvig
- IT for Change (ITfC)
- Ixchel García
- Jun-E Tan
- Luciana Brito
- Mariana Antoun
- Mariana Fossatti
- Mariana Valente
- Marianna Fernandes
- Muthoni Muriithi
- Nancy Kachingwe
- Richa Singh
- Sachini Perera
- Shubha Kayastha
- Sofía Scasserra
- Zhang Dana
- Zhang Qi
- Statements
- dawnnet_admin