Sonia Correa

DAWN Board member


Sonia Corrêa is a prominent Brazilian feminist author, researcher and activist. Since the late 1970s, Sonia has been involved in research and high-level advocacy activities related to gender equality, health and sexuality. Between 1992 and 2009 she was the Research Coordinator for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights at DAWN. Since 2002 she has been the research associate at the Brazilian Interdisciplinary Association for AIDS (ABIA), in Rio de Janeiro where with Richard Parker, she co-chairs the Sexuality Policy Watch (SPW) program, a global forum comprised of researchers and activists engaged in the analysis of global trends in sexuality-related policy and politics. Sonia has published extensively in Portuguese and English and her work has been translated into several languages. This list includes, among others, Population and Reproductive Rights: Feminist Perspectives from the South and Sexuality, Health and Human Rights co-authored with Richard Parker and Rosalind Petchesky; Development with a Body (co-authored with Andrea Cornwall and Susan Jolly); Weighing Up Cairo: Evidence from Women in the South (for DAWN); Sexuality and Politics: Dialogues from the Global South, with Richard Parker and Rafael de la Dehesa; Emerging Powers, Sexuality and Human Rights: Fumbling Around the Elephant, co-authored with Akshay Khana as well as the collection Sex Politics: Trends & Tensions in the 21st Century, co-edited with Richard Parker. She has lectured at various prestigious academic institutions, more recently at the Department of Gender Studies of the London School of Economics and Political Science. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Palgrave Book Series Global Queer Politics.

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