27th IAFFE Annual Conference

Gita Sen, General Co-Coordinator of DAWN, will speak on “The Fierce and Tricky World of Feminist Economics” at the Opening Plenary of the 27th Annual Conference of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE).

DAWN is also organizing a panel at the conference on “Why Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are a feminist issue” with Barbara Adams, Nancy Alexander and Gita Sen as speakers.

Gita will also be speaking at a Special Lunch Roundtable | IDRC | Expanding feminist analysis in research: How can the narrative on women’s empowerment be more inclusive?

The 2018 conference theme, FEMINIST DEBATES ON MIGRATION, INEQUALITIES & RESISTANCE, celebrates the domestic and international diversity of feminisms and feminist economic thought, supporting resistance against rising xenophobia, attacks on human rights and threats to equal access to economic opportunities.

For more information, visit: http://www.iaffe.org/annual-conferences/2018-annual-conference/