Migrant Struggles in Pandemic Times

From March to August 2022, DAWN, in partnership with other organisations, held a series of Webinars through the project “Policy Transformations in Times of COVID-19”, which analysed and discussed the policy changes that occurred during the pandemic in several countries in the Global South, which may be central to redefining normality in the emerging context.

International migrants experience some of the most complex challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic: increased anti-migrant sentiment, border closures, and rampant militarisation worsening their access to work, health services, and social protection.

The fragility and limitations of our care systems are palpable. There is no discussion; global inequalities skyrocketed during the COVID-19 crisis. The International Migration Review Forum is a reminder of states’ responsibilities to provide safe and regular migration pathways, especially in the current context.

People’s organizing, particularly in the case of migrant women, has produced alternatives and ways forward that are glimpses of hope in this time of struggle. 

On May 26, 2022,  Women In Migration Network (WIMN) and DAWN  dived into three contrasting discussion papers (Kiribati, Chile, and Malaysia) to explore the gendered effects of border closures and militarisation and the hope built by migrant labour organizing and social movement solidarities. 


Roi Burnett (Kiribati) 
Carolina Stefoni (Chile)  
Liva Sreedharan (Malaysia) 

This webinar was moderated by Masaya Llavaneras, Executive Committee member. 


#PolicyTransformations #TransformacionesDePoliticas #COVID19