Pandemic Austerity: Southern Feminist Perspectives on the Costs of the Pandemic and Who is Bearing the Brunt

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the IMF invited countries to “spend and keep the receipts.”Still, it is not until recently that the effects of these policy transformations have become more evident.

Austerity is on the rise. Policy prescriptions are now centering on fiscal constraints and debt reduction. Feminists, especially from the Global South, are well aware that women, the poor, and racialized groups are bearing the brunt. And it has a cost: it is taking a profound toll on their health, education, and labour protection systems they rely upon.

The time was ripe to discuss these issues. On April 28, DAWN and CESR joined, for a research-based discussion on the real costs of austerity during the COVID-19 crisis. 


Busi Sibeko
Leigh-Ann Worrell
Dr. Daniele Bobb
Gertrude Dzifa Torvikey
Sylvia Ohene Marfo
Moderator: Masaya Llavaneras Blanco

Commentators from CESR: Kate Donald


#PolicyTransformations #TransformacionesDePoliticas #COVID19