Side Event Global Conference on Taxation and the SDGs: Mobilizing Resources for Gender Equality

DAWN will be co-hosting a side event to the First Global Conference of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax – Taxation and the SDGs, titled “Mobilizing Resources for Gender Equality: The Role of Tax Policy in Reducing Intersecting Inequalities and Achieving the SDGs”.

Tax is a gendered issue and matters for women’s rights and for achieving the SDGs, not least Goals 5 and 10. Without adequate, equitable and accountable mobilization of resources through tax, the 2030 Agenda and the promise to ‘Leave No One Behind’ will not be met.

In this side event gender equality experts and policy analysts will outline how the tax and related fiscal systems of both developing and developed countries discriminate against women and represent a barrier to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Presentations include details on the multiple negative gendered impacts of VAT and other forms of consumption taxation, differential tax treatment of labour and capital incomes, business tax regimes, transnational corporate tax avoidance and tax havens.

For more details see the invitation flyer: Mobilizing Resources for Gender Equality.