Action Days against the W20 and G20 / Jornadas de Acción contra el W20 y G20

Con la consigna NO EN NUESTRO NOMBRE, referentes de las distintas organizaciones, redes y colectivos que integran el Foro Feminista contra el G20 realizaron durante el 1º y 2 de octubre dos jornadas de acción contra el  Women20 (W20).

Las actividades se realizaron en la la Plaza del Congreso de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en paralelo a la cumbre del W20. La manifiesta puede leerse haciendo click aquí.

Parallel to the Women20 Summit 2018 that took place in Buenos Aires, the different coalitions, movements, and organizations that are mobilizing around the Feminist Forum Against G20 organized on 1st and 2nd October two actions days denouncing that “W20 is a SHAM!”.

The rallies with Pots and Pans, actions and debates gathered a large group of women of different class, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, and origin that are facing the consequences of the macroeconomic violent neoliberal policies. A big Pot was used to symbolise the incantation and spells against the adjustments and neoliberal policies. Read the full note on the activity here.

Manifestaciones en la Plaza


Conversatorios y debates