Collective Statement- CSW59 Declaration: A weak document to address the women’s and girls challenges

Collective Statement by Women’s, Feminists and other civil society NGOs from Latin America and the Caribbean that was delivered to Governments on 12 March, 2015. DAWN is one of the signatories of this Statement.


Women’s, Feminists and other civil society NGOs from Latin America and the Caribbean Statement

The NGOs signing express our concern about the Political Declaration approved by Members States Monday 9 march in United Nations, in the 59 period of Sessions of the Commission on the Social Status of Women (CSW); discussed without the participation of the majority of Women’s, Feminists and other Civil Society NGOs, attempting against the principle of transparency. We express our disagreement with the procedure of the Declaration discussion, that constitutes a change in the methodology of the CSW, ignoring since Beijing women’s and feminists organizations had obtained the incorporation of our rights, did the follow up of the Platform of Action and support governments in the implementation.

In Latin America and the Caribbean we reached regional consensus as the Santo Domingo, Montevideo and antiago de Chile, with commitments to defend ALL human women Rights, also in other regions were important commitments, all them are not reflected in the Declaration. In the context of the Post 2015 Development Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Third Conference to Finance Development, we consider its necessary to incorporate all needs and demands of the diversity of women and girls emphasizing sexual and reproductive rights including the right to legal and safe abortion. Its necessary to develop an effective response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world , to guarantee the right to education, to political participation in parity, and to a life free of all forms of violence, including prevention and eradication of feminicide and the multiples discriminations based in etnics, race, sexual orientation and gender identity, among others. We remember that cultural and religious arguments can’t be an excuse to deny and/or violate human rights.

To ensure that we need to guarantee democratic and transparent methods to discuss and built consensus, with the participation of governments, UN agencies and Women’s, feminists and other civil society NGOs without any exclusion.

The right to access of information and communication are key to ensure transparency and the participation without leaving anyone behind and eliminate all possible exclusions according to agreed in the Women and the media in Beijing .The challenge is to increase the forms of participation characteristic of CSW and United Nations, we urge all extreme the research and inclusion of methods that form now guarantee the broad participation of civil society without exclusions.

We urge Member States to assume the commitment to accelerate the achievement of the entire Platform of Action, to ensure the economic resources and to guarantee the accountability a must to honor the commitments adopted.

The women, adolescents and girls in their diversity form all the world are looking to you. We can’t wait more 20 years.


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