20 May 2020
Mr. António Guterres Secretary-General United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Director-General
The World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland
Subject: Civil society letter in support of the United Nations and the World Health Organization
Dear Excellencies,
We are writing to register our outrage at Acting USAID Administrator John Barsa’s letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres demanding the UN remove reference to “sexual and reproductive health” from the Global Humanitarian Response Plan’s (HRP) guidance on COVID-19. The removal of this wording is not symbolic–it will have a detrimental impact on people who need and rely on sexual and reproductive health services. We are deeply concerned about the health and human rights impact of this request, which comes at the same time the U.S. Government is attacking the WHO and threatening to freeze funding in the midst of the COVID- 19 pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have far-reaching effects across the world, with disproportionate impacts on women, girls and gender non-conforming people, particularly from marginalized populations. Access to essential sexual and reproductive health services, including contraception, abortion, diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and reproductive cancers, HIV diagnosis and treatment, gender-affirming care, and maternity care, remains imperative during the COVID-19 health emergency. It is, in fact, a matter of life and death. UNFPA estimates that 47 million women in 114 low- and middle-income countries will be unable to use modern contraceptives if the average lockdown, or COVID-19-related disruption, continues for six months with major disruptions to services. These interruptions in access to services are anticipated to result in as many as seven million unintended pregnancies, further increasing the need for abortion services and quality maternity care. Furthermore, even the least severe models indicate a reduction in essential interventions could result in thousands of additional maternal and child deaths.
Emerging evidence from numerous countries demonstrates that demand for these services continues and has even increased during the pandemic. Yet, that access is now being disrupted by government directives including quarantines and limits on movement, pressures on health systems and workers, closures of health facilities, commodity stock outs, interruptions in global supply chains, and people’s fears about going to clinics because of the potential risks of exposure and stigmatisation. Limited access to health care in many low- and middle-income countries is exacerbated by existing U.S. policies, like the Global Gag Rule and the defunding of UNFPA, which have damaged health systems by forcing clinic closures, fragmenting the provision of care, and reducing access to the full range of reproductive health services including abortion, contraception, and access to HIV testing and treatment, among others.
In a number of countries, including the U.S., governments have taken actions to restrict SRHR services and particularly abortion care, using COVID as a pretext. Meanwhile, long-standing violations of sexual and reproductive rights continue, particularly among marginalized communities, like discriminatory national and international policies and laws and denial of access to comprehensive, quality information and services.
Evidence also reveals that the COVID-19 crisis is contributing to alarming increases in sexual and gender-based violence, particularly intimate partner violence, around the world. In countries experiencing lockdowns and restrictions on movement, women and girls who are trapped in violent situations are facing challenges accessing the critical services they need. This crisis is expected to set back the global response to gender-based violence significantly, with as many as 31 million more women experiencing violence as a result. The link between violence and poor sexual and reproductive health outcomes is well established.
Finally, the women and girls who are the front lines of COVID-19 responses, including those who provide essential sexual and reproductive health care, continue to lack the personal protective equipment, financial support, and social protection they need. Globally women comprise 98% of nurses and the majority of unpaid caregivers, whose work is valued at nearly 1.3 trillion USD a year. Gender equity in the health and social workforce is critical to having strong, resilient health systems and ensuring access to quality care for all people.
The United Nations and especially WHO have played a timely, crucial role in the multilateral response, providing science-based guidance to countries, coordinating financial and technical assistance, and supporting critical research efforts. The role of the UN and WHO in addressing COVID-19 has been essential in helping countries respond quickly to the pandemic and put in place measures that support the fulfillment of the right to health for all as agreed in the WHO’s Constitution. Especially at this critical time, both WHO’s specific work and the overarching work of the UN and its HRP must be protected and fully supported, to avoid an even bigger escalation of the pandemic.
The HRP is right to provide guidance to countries that access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services must be prioritized and is essential. In fact, it would be a serious breach of human rights, including the right to life, the right to equality, and the right to health, and contradict all available evidence, if it did not. Past experience with health emergencies shows that if governments fail to ensure access to these critical, time-sensitive services, increases in unsafe abortion and maternal mortality are the unavoidable results.
Governments have agreed for more than 25 years that ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, including abortion services, and protecting reproductive rights, are both public health and human rights imperatives. The U.S. government’s cynical claims that these services are not essential and are “widely contested” contradicts sound public health approaches, accepted human rights principles, and data on the demand for these services, including in times of crisis. Governments around the world continue to take action to protect and expand access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion. The joint statement from 58 countries on Protecting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Promoting Gender-responsiveness in the COVID-19 crisis, issued on May 6, 2020 demonstrates that support.
Acting Administrator Barsa’s demand that the UN remove reference to “sexual and reproductive health” from the Global HRP flies in the face of an evidence-based response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Trump Administration is using the current crisis to advance its unscientific, anti- human rights agenda, and to pursue an extreme ideology that has become the hallmark of its vision of U.S. foreign policy. The UN and WHO must reject these efforts and continue to promote a response to COVID-19 that upholds long standing commitments to health, human rights, and gender equality.
Please consider this letter as the strongest possible expression of support for the continued work and global leadership of the UN and WHO during this pandemic, and for the continued stalwart commitment to the health and human rights of all women, girls, and gender non-conforming people around the world.
Signed by the following organizations and individuals
Abortion Rights Campaign
Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
Abortion Support Network
Access Chapter 2
Act Church of Sweden
Action Group for Health, Human Rights, HIVand AIDS AGHA
Action Works Nepal
Advocates for Youth
African Alliance
African Women’s Development and Communication Network – FEMNET Aid Access
AIDOS – Italian Association for Women in Development AIHMS-Global
Akina Mama wa Afrika
Aliansi Remaja Independen
Alianza por la Solidaridad
Alliance for Choice
American Humanist Association
American Jewish World Service
American Society for Reproductive Medicine AMICA e.V. Germany
Amnesty International Anna Nordstrand ARC Donegal ARROW
Ärzte der Welt
Asia Pacific Alliance for SRHR
Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)
Association of Women of Southern Europe (AFEM)
Association pour les victimes du monde
Association Tunisienne des Femmes Démocrates
Associatiuon Suisse des droits des femmes ADF-SVF
Atria – Institute for Gender Equality and Women’s History AVAC
Bangladesh Model Youth Parliament (Protiki Jubo Sangshad) BEFA Women And Child Care Foundation
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Catholics for Choice
Catholics for Choice Board Of Directors
Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir – Colombia
Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Perú
CDD Argentina
Center for Women’s Global Leadership
Center Women and Modern World
Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy
Centro de Derechos de Mujeres
Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos – PROMSEX CHANGE (Center for Health and Gender Equity)
CHOICE for Youth & Sexuality
Colectiva Dignas Hijas
Colectiva por la Libre Información para las Mujeres
Communication For Action and Results Uganda
Damj for justice and equality
Danish Family Planning Association
DAWN (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era)
Dictirs for Choice(UK)
Disciples Justice Action Network (DJAN)
DKT International
DKT WomanCare Global
Doctors for Choice Germany
Doctors for Choice Malta
Doctors for Choice(UK)
DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung)
ELA – Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género
Elige Red de Jovenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos A.C.
EnGen Collaborative
Entre Nosotras
Equality Rights Alliance
Equidad de Género, Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia
Eurasian Women’s Network on AIDS
Family Planning Association of Bangladesh (FPAB)
Family Planning NSW
Federation International of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Feminist Legue
Feminist Task Force
Fiji Women’s Rights Movement
FOKUS – Forum for Women and Development
Foundation le Grand Cru
Frontline AIDS
Fundación Arcoiris por el respeto a la diversidad sexual.
Fundación El Churo
Fundacion Orientame
Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer
Gatef orginzation
Gestos – HIV, Communication and Gender
Global Fund for Women
Global Justice Center
Global Justice Institute, Metropolitan Community Churches
Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association
Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP)
Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida (Mexico)
Guttmacher Institute
Gynuity Health Projects
Habitat Mujer Salud
Health GAP
Heartland Alliance International
HELP Resources (NGO)
Here NI
HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario
HIV Justice Network
HIV Modernization Movement Indiana
Human Rights Watch
Humanists UK
In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda
Initiative mawjoudin pour l’égalité
Initiatives des Femmes en Situations Difficiles pour le Développement Durable et Intégré, IFESIDDI Intégré, IF
interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth
International Alliance of Women
International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion
International Center for Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development -CENPAD International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
International Child Development Initiatives
International Confederation of Midwives
International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists
International Planned Parenthood Federation International Service for Human Rights
International Women’s Health Coalition
International Women’s Anthropology Conference
International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA)
International Youth Council ( IYC MOROCCO)
Ipas CAM
Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP)
Ke Nako Mental Health Foundation
KeM Consulting
L’ Assciacio de Drets Sexuals i Reproductius
La Clara
Lady Mermaid’s Bureau
Latin American and Caribbean Womens Health Network
Lawyers for Choice (UK)
Le Planning Familial FRANCE
Leitrim Abortion Rights Campaign
Lok kalyan seva kendra
Marie Stopes International
Masimanyane Women’s Rights International
Maternity Worldwide
Médecins du Monde France
Medical IMPACT
Men Against Violence
MenEngage Alliance
Mercy Corps
Moluccan Council of Women
MPact Global Action for Gay Men’s Health & Rights
#nandenaino project
NARAL Pro-Choice America
National Abortion Federation
National Alliance for Maternal Health and Human Rights (NAMHHR) National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Club-NYC National Organizatoin for Women
Nederlands burger
Nga Kaiawhina o Wai 262
Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association
Not Without Black Women
Nyale Institute for Sexual and Reproductive Health Governance
Ob- GYN Residency University of Puerto Rico
Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Organización de Trabajadoras Sexuales
OutRight Action International
Oxfam America
PA Religious Coalition for Reproductive Justice
Pan African Positive Women’s Coalition-Zimbabwe
Partners in Sexual Health
PHD Group
Plan International
Plan UK Consultant
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Population Connection Action Fund
Population Council
Population Foundation of India
Population Institute
Population Services and Training Center
Positive Women
Positive Women’s Network – USA
Presbyterians Affirming Reproductive Options (PARO)
Pro Choice Germany
PRO Global/Pensioners without Borders
Red Chilena de Profesionales por el Derecho a Decidir
Red Colombiana de Mujeres por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, Regional Medellín (Colombia)
REDAAS – Red de Acceso al Aborto Seguro Argentina
Regional Centre for International Development Cooperation (RCIDC)
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
Reproductive Health Training Center of Moldova, Regional Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights Coalition
Restless Development
Safe Abortion Action Fund
Salamander Trust
Sama Resource Group for Women and Health
Secretariado Internacional de Pueblos Indigenas para la Sexualidad , los derechos humanos y frente al VIH
Sero Project, Inc.
Sex og Politikk
Share-Net Netherland
She Decides
She Decides
She Starts Africa
SheDecides Nigeria
Sister Aid Liberia Inc.
Sonke Gender Justice
Soroptimist International
Southern Africa Litigation Centre
Space Allies
Stretchers Youth Organization
Sukaar Welfare Organization
Sukhibhava Foundation
Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)
Surkuna Ecuador
Swedish Doctors of the World
Taller Salud
Taller Salud
Tamtang Group
Temblores Ong
The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation
The Weaving House ~ Gender Equality NZ
The Well Project
The WiseUp Initiative for Good Health and Community Development
The Women’s Collective
The YP Foundation
Uganda Youth And Adolescent Health Forum
Union Women Center with Special ECOSOC Status at UN
Unitarian Universalist Pennsylvania Legislative Advocacy Network
Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights
Vecinas Feministas Por la Justicia Sexual y Reproductiva de América Latina Venture Strategies for Health and Development
Vigilance for Democracy and the Civic State, Tunisia VIKASH-SAMUKHYA
Voice for Choice Malta
Wakhan Media
We Effect
WECF International
Womankind Worldwide
Women Deliver
WO-MEN Dutch Gender Platform
Women Enabled International
Women First Digital
Women Health Protection
Women in Global Health
Women on waves
Women on web
Women ́s Link Worldwide
Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER)
Women’s Environment and Development Organization
Women’s Global Network Network for Reproductive Rights
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre
Women’s Major Group
Women’s Refugee Commission
Women’s Rights Foundation
Women’s Support and Information Centre
Woodhull Freedom Foundation
Young Feminist Ambassadors (of the Dutch Women’s Council)
Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights
Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana
YouthNet for Climate Justice, Bangladesh
Zamara Foundation
A K Samson, Office assistant, Busitema university
Aarti, Founder , Chandrakala
Aditi, She decides 25×35 young leader, She Decides
Adrien Trocmé, Regional Manager, RNW media
Agnes Callamard, UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Killings / Global Freedom of Expression Director, Columbia University, United Nations / Columbia University
Agustin Gonzalez , Physician , Global Doctor’s For Choice
Airco Caravan, Artist and CEO, Founder of Nasty Women Amsterdam, exhibition and fundraiser for Women’s Rights
Ala-Siurua, Operations Manager, Women on Web
Aleksandar Dimitrijevic , PHD candidate, University of Malta
Alex, She decides Ambassador , She decides
Alex Cummins, SheDecides 25×25 young leader , SheDecides
Alexandra-Marie Figueroa Miranda, Communications Manager, Taller Salud
Alexandria Murphy, Operations director, ATHENA Network
Alice Mark, Medical Director, National Abortion Federation
Alison L Symington, Researcher, Spring
Altaf hossain, Development Service/ Executive Director , Association for Prevention of septic Abortion, Bangladesh.
Alyce Wilson, Medical Doctor, Burnet Institute, University of Melbourne, Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne
AM Bouwman, Medical student, International Federation of Medical Students’ Association – the Netherlands (IFMSA-NL)
Amerens Popma, Infectioncontrol nurse , VHIG
Aminatou Sar, Country Director, PATH Senegal
Amit Timilsina, Vice Chair, Youth Coalition
Anahi Vale, None, None
Ann Fordham, executive director, International Drug Policy Consortium
Anna Carnegie, Project Coordinator, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Anna Forbes, Independent Consultant, self-employed
Anna Ropianyk, Student, Ghent University
Anne Van Lancker, member of board , LUNA (umbrella organisation abortion centres Flanders) Anneke, Librarian, Vvao
Annelies Degenkamp, Woman, worked in a pharmacie, Just a woman fiting for the right of woman
annemarie schaapveld, Advisor, Rutgers
Annet van Huijkelom, Coördinator, TiU
Antonio Marquet Montiel, Profesor, Uam
Argerie Sánchez Mena, Member of the Generetion of Equality , She Decides Movement Avinash Parab , Regional Sales Consultant , Graduate
Awini Ransford Dramani, Admin/HR Manager, Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana
Ayumi Taniguchu, President, #minnanoseiri
Azada Ahmadi, Alumni, Meredith College
B.M. Aben, Communication officer, Volontair
B.Maathuis Hofmeijer, Women, Non
Bafana Khumalo, Senior Strategic Advisor, Sonke Gender Justice
Bakhan , Project officer , Norwegian people’s aid
Barbara Crane, Retired, Ipas
Baresham, Student, Karachi University
Bastiaan van Bergeijk, Director Finance and Strategy, Ma
Bernie Linnane, None, None
Bianca Tolboom, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Advisorr, KIT Royal Tropical Institute Bipana shrestha, Student, Institute of Medicine
Boudine Evera, Hr officer, No
Bradley Njukia, Deputy National Coordinator , Non Governmental Organization non -profit making
Buyi, Social wprker, Organizational
C Hanson Hebert, Director, NAF
Camila Fernandez, Young Leader, SheDecides
Camilo Antillon, Technical adviser, Rutgers (Netherlands)
Carin, consultant , na
Carlos Mario Piedrahita Londoño, Integrante, N/A
Carol Bradford, SRHR Freelance Consultant , na
Carole Tongue, Strategic Advisor, Hon Doctorate University of Lincoln
Carole-Ann Filiatreault, Program Manager, NGO
Carolina Cruz, Student, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Caroline Homer, Co-Program Director: Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health, Burnet Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Carsta Neuenroth, Gender Advisor, Brot für die Welt
Carys Strling, Youth Advocate, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality
Catarina Pais Rodrigues, Medical student, University of Coimbra
CATHERINE REGINA DJATCHI, Finance Director, WomanCare Global
Chantal, executive director, SPECTRA
Charlotte Bunch, Distinguished Professor , Women’s Studies, Rutgers Universtiy
Charlotte Petty, Love Matters Programme Coordinator, RNW media
Chase Campan-Thornburg, Logistics Agent, Univerisity of Nebraska at Omaha
Christiane von Rauch, General Practitioner , retired, Landesaerztekammer Hessen, Germany Christina Furtado, executive director, ECF
Christina Mergenthaler, Epidemiologist, KIT Royal Tropical Institute
Cindy Reijers, Programme Analyst, UNFPA
Cmg moorman, Secretary, Het Agentschap
D. M. Potts MD, PhD, Professor emeritus, School of Public Health UC Berkeley
Daniela Draghici, Vice President, SEXUL vs BARZA (Sex vs the Stork) Association
Daphne Visser, Youth Advocate, Choice for youth
Darcy Weaver, Senior Technical Advisor , International Planned Parenthood Federation Deborah Cohan, MD MPH, Professor, University of California San Francisco
Demi, Medical student, –
Dinie Holkers-Veltkamp, Retired, Retired
DOCTOR M BUDIHARSANA, Professor, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia Door Gudden, Vrouw!, Geen
Dr Gilbert Gravino, Medical Doctor, Doctors for Choice Malta
DR KALLOL CHOWDHURY, Joint Director (Health) , Academic Affiliation
Dr Meghan A. Bohren, Senior Lecturer, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health Dr. med Gabriele von Wahlert / Ob& Gyne Psychotherapist , Medical Doctor Obstetrician and Psychotherapist/ Publich Health , Free lancer / Technical advisor
Dr. Carrie Foote, Associate Professor and Chair, IUPUI and HIV Modernization Movement Indiana
Dr. Nicole Bourbonnais, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Dr.med.Christisne Boecker, Master of Community Health, Liverpool School of Trop. Meficine Durga Sapkota , Co-Founder , YoSHAN
Edgar Kestler, executive director, Research and evaluation service insitution
Elena Michael, Press and Research Officer, I work there
Elena Shchepeleva, social worker, Positive Women
Eliana Jimeno , Program Director , Initiatives of Change
Elisabeth de Ru, Account Manager, Self Employed
Elise Denis-Ramirez, Advocacy , Organisational
(the Rev. Dr.) Elizabeth Kaeton, Board Member, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice Elly Leemhuis, International adviser SRHR, member Share-Net International/Netherlands
Els Mayland Jonkbloed , Uitvaartmedewerker, Uitvaart
Els Voorend, teacher, School Netherlands
Elske Hemmes , Pension , No
Eman Elahl, Lecturer at University, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts Emma Artley, 25×25 U.S. ICPD Young Leader , SheDecides
Emma Bell, Consultant, Salamander Tust Associate
Emma Kakes, Student, Tilburg law school
Emma Riach, Communications and Campaigns Officer, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network Esther, Lecturer and Research Associate , University of Amsterdam
Esther Van Es, teacher, Obs de clockeslach
Evert Ketting PhD, Interntional SRHR consultant, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe / Central Asia, na
FAN ZHANG, Operations director, DKT
Fanny Gauthier, Operation and Customer service officer, Dkt womancare
Faridah Luyiga, Program Manager, White Ribbon Alliance Uganda
Ferya Ilyas, Communications Manager, Find My Method
Fiona Hale, Consultant, Salamander Trust Associates
Florence Erb, Programme Officer, NGO
Fournier Romain, Junior Accountant, DKT International
Françoise Moudouthe, Founder, Eyala
Gabriele REITER, Head of the OMCT Office in Tunisia, OMCT
Georges Nissan, SLO, B. Sc. In Operation researchs
Gertie Hanneman, Pensioada, Afblijven van de rechten van de vrouwen ghuacuz@yahoo.com, Profesora , EMAS A.C.
Gillian Gordon, Associate Consultant, Free lance consultant
Gisela Barros, Young Leader , She Decides
Gloria Careaga, Professor, National Autonomus University of Mexico. UNAM
Greetje Bijlsma, Pensionate nurse, Pensionads
Gudrun Haupter, Individual, International Alliance of Women
H. Van Oijen, Retired union official , None
Halima Abba Ali Zaid, SRHR Lead, FEMNET
Hannah Kabelka, CoP Facilitator, Share-Net Netherlands
HEDIA BELHADJ, Presidente, Groupe Tawhida Ben Cheikh, Tunisie
Heidi Meinzolt, International Board, WILPF
Helen Young, Manager, IPPF
Henk de Snoo, Retired, University
Henny Plat, Union representative, FNV
Hester Pronk, consultant , Organizational
Hilal Tekmen, Resource Mobilization Coordinator, CHOICE for youth and sexuality Hodorogea Stelian, associate professor , State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “N. Testemitanu”, Moldova
IFECHUKWU JULIET, SheDecides 25 by 25 Young Leader, SheDecides 25 by 25 Ilana Dzuba, Director, Gynuity Health Projects
Ina’m, Humanitarian volunteer and coach , I used to work with MSF
Ine Vanwesenbeeck, Professor Sexual Development, Utrecht University
Ingrid schreuel, Consultant, Dutch Royal Forestry Association
Insaf, assistante l de gestion , Groupe Tawhida
Iris Blom, Medical Student , University of Amsterdam
Ivy Cheung, SheDecides 25×25 Young Leader, SheDecides
Jacomijn Guijt, Student, Wageningen University & Research
Jacqueline Eckhardt-Gerritsen, Programme Lead, Rutgers
Jaime Todd-Gher, Independent consultant specializing in gender, sexuality, health and human rights , Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Fellow, University of Toronto, International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program, Faculty of Law
Jaime Todd-Gher, JD, LLM, Independent consultant specializing in gender, sexuality, health and human rights , Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Fellow, University of Toronto, International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program, Faculty of Law
Jannemiek Evelo, Program Coordinator, CHOICE for Youth & Sexuality
Japleen Pasricha, Founder-Director, Feminism In India
Jayne Kavanagh , Principal Clinical Teaching Fellow , UCL Medical School, London, UK Jenifer De Jesús, Community and Leadership Program Manager, Taller Salud, Inc. Jessica, Secretary, Student
Jessica Getz, Regional Director, PPFA
Jessika Seekatz, Media Advocate, Yalla Feminists
Jitka , Coordinator, Organizational
Joanna Fayad, Lead Gender Integration Specialist, The Arab Institute for Women
Johan Bosman, philosopher, No
John Krugu, Senior Advisor, Public Health, KIT Royal Tropical Institute
Jona Turalde, Jona Claire Turalde, SheDecides
Jonas Helyar , Intern, Instinctif Partners
Jonna Seemann, Program Manager- ain’t. Development, BftW- Germany
José Hegeman , Docent, Zelfstandig ondernemer
José ruis, Postlady, Hbo
Judith Westeneng, Programme Developer and Researcher, Rutgers
Julia Millauer, Policy Advisor, GIZ
Julia Noel, Project Manager, JUH Refugee Response and Integration
Juliana Mejia Jaramillo, Program Officer, CHOICE for youth and sexuality
Juliette Mattijsen, Medical student, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Kanako Miyachi, Programme Coordinator, Adjunct Researcher (Waseda University) Karin Hopmans, teacher, MLO
Karine, Owner, N/A
karla Hernandez, Alcance Comunitario, Taller Salud
Kate Hampton, CEO and She Decides Champion, CIFF
Kate Mukungu, Lecturuer, University of Cumbria
Kateryna Lytvynenko, Communications Officer, N/A
Katharina Rohmert, Doctor, doctor
Kathleen Webster, President, Neighbors to Save Rivington House
Kathy D’Arcy, Social Care Worker, Tusla
Kathy Ryg, Board Member, Catholics for Choice
Khalid Sherwani , Associate Advocacy , NOWPDP
Kim , Student, University of Leiden (student)
Kim Austen, Student, University of Sheffield
Korrie de koning, SRHR ADVISOR AND RESEARCHER, Affiliated with Royal Tropical Institute. amsterdam
Laura, social worker, Coa
Laura , Student, –
Laura de Jager, teacher, Education
Laura Frye, Senior Program Associate, Gynuity Health Projects
Laxmi Chaudhary , Student , Central department of public health
Lesley Hoggart, Professor of Social Policy Research, The Open University
Lewis Emmerton, Policy Advisor, SheDecides
Lilianne Ploumen, Founder SheDecides, MP the Netherlands , SheDecides, MP the Netherlands Lincie Kusters, Health advisor, KIT
Lincoln G F Morris Jr , Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Organizational
Linda H Scruggs, Director, na
Lindokuhle Sibiya, Patient Advocate and Youth Mentor, Action against NCDs ad TB in Eswatini Lindsey Simmonds, Senior Program Officer , STBF
Lisa Hallgarten, Independent consultant in sexual and reproductive health, None
Liza Caruana-Finkel, Reproductive Rights Researcher and Actvisit, Voice for Choice Malta Lizzy Igbine., National President., Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association.
Lonneke Looijesteijn , Registrar, Gemeente
Lot Janssen , Recovery trainer, GGZ
Lotte Dijkstra , MD, GGZ InGeest
Luciana Veras, Jornalista, Revista Continente
Lucienne , Audio visual worker, Hku
Lyn Brookes, Retired, None
Lyna Zidouk , Marketing Data Analyst Executive , DKT WomanCare Global Services
M Braat , Bachelor , Social Academy Amsterdam
M Le Mat, SRHR Adviser, KIT Royal Tropical Institute
M. Los, teacher, Hbo
Maaike Flinkenflogel, Health advisor, KIT
Maaike van Veen, Coordinator Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, PhD Maeva Bonjour, Senior Technical Advisor, Rutgers
Mamello Makhele , Shedecides young leader , SheDecides
Manal khan, Sub editor, New york university
Mandana Hendessi, Programme Manager, Norwegian People’s Aid Manisha Hada, Youth Champion, Bachelor in public health
Mara Paulini Machado, Senior Technical Advisor, Rutgers Margaret Sparrow, Past President, ALRANZ
Marguerite Bannwarth, Advocacy coordinator on SRHR, Médecins du Monde France Maria Ní Fhlatharta, Research , NUI Galway
Mariana Romero, MD MSc, CEDES-CONICET
Marie Lexmond , Artist en womenshealtcare, Mensbeeld
Marie-Camille PONT, Global Marketing Executive, Employee Mariet, Drs classical languages, Retired
Marijke Priester, senior adviser, Rutgers
Marion, Youth care, None
Marion Boeker, Social Entrepreneur, director; Founder, human rights defender, Consultancy for Human Rights and Gender Issues
Mariska van der Kogel, Hoofdredacteur, Mezelf
Marjan de Koster, volunteer, Mrs
Marjan Hamstra, Secretary, Folunteer (for my LHBTQI community) Marjo Straaten, Leraresp, Hoge school
Marjolein Hodes, Communications lead, MH Communicatieprojecten Mark Amaza, Team Lead, MINDcapital
MARK S KING, Founder, My Fabulous Disease
Marleen van der Laan, Geantwoord advisor, N.a.
Marta Amorim, Coordinator, Education Secretariat for Pernambuco State Brazil
Maryam, Student, Habib University
Maryann Lockington, Communications Officer, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement
Marylize Biubwa , Founder BI KIND INITIARIVE, Member FEMNET, Volunteer Action Aid and Founder BI KIND INITIATIVE
Maryse Oudjaoudi, Conservateur de bibliothèque, Ville de Grenoble
Mashudu, Coordinator , SheDecides South Africa
M-C Garin, She Decides 25×25 Young Leader, SheDecides
Meeta S. Pradhan, Board Member, Board Member
Melanie Idehen Emiebor, Member , Internal Youth Alliance on Family Planning (IYAFP) Memory Kachambwa, executive director, FEMNET , She Decides Champion
Mercy Dube, She Decides comrade, Not applicable
Michelle, Juriste, Adademic
Milly Evans, Editorial Assistant, Patient
Mindy Jane Roseman, Director, Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women’s Rights, Yale Law School
Miranda Valkenburg, Writer, MVDS, Stichting Lover
Mirjam Thomsen, Retired teacher, Active member of Amnesty international
Mirjam van der Toorn, Communicatiemanager , Universiteit van Amsterdam Mirjam Visser , Nurse, No
MItchell Warren, executive director, AVAC
Mohammad Zobair, Program Manager, Organizational
Moufeeda, Lead Gender Integration Specialist, AiW
Muriel Kahane, Champion Advisor, SheDecides
Mushfiqua Zaman Satiar, Senior Policy Adviser, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mustafa Siddiqui , Student , Habib University
Naisola Likimani, Lead, SheDecides Support Unit
Nashia Ajaz, Phd candidate , University of Amsterdam
Natalia, Communicator and journalist, Communicator
Natalia Mejia, teacher, Universidad de Medellin
Natalie Williams, Vice President, Venture Strategies for Health and Development
Nazli Tuncay, Consultant, RNW media
Ned Helyar, Policy & Comms Officer, SheDecides
Nicole Jellinek, chair, RI Coalition for Reproductive Freedom
Nicole Quinones , Patient Services Coordinator & Data Analyst, CHOICES: Memphis Center for Reproductive Health
Nora, Student, The University of Nottingham
Nyasha Phanisa Sithole, SRHR Consultant and HIV Expert, My Age Zimbabwe
Odette Hekster, Deputy Managing Director, PSI-Europe
Odilia Van Manen, Programme Manager, Programme manager of an SRHR programme
Ophelia Chatterjee, Researcher, KIT
Orla Zoe Downs, Student, Youth Stop AIDS
Otomie Vale, Professor, University of Puerto Rico
Pabla, SRH Innovation Consultant, Freelance/ independent consultant
Pam Rajput, Professor, Panjab University
Parbat Rokka, Program Manager, Action Works Nepal
Pariwash Gouhari , Alumni , American University of Afghanistan
Paula Kahn, Supporter, neither
Payal Shah, Independent Consultant, NY, NY
Peter, Regional Sales Consultant , DKT International
Phillipa Tucker, Research Director, Accountability International
Pooja, Student , IGNOU
Pragya, Intern, Sciences Po
Professor Cicely Marston , Professor of Public Health , London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Rashmila Shakya, Phd candidate , University of Amsterdam
Rayah Feldman, Research and Policy adviser, Maternity Action
Reeta, Sales Consultant, Dkt womancare
Renas, Humanitarian Relief Program Manager, Humanitarian Response Plan
Renata Magalhães , Jornalista , No
Renate Adriaansens, Young Feminist Ambassador, Young Feminist Ambassadors
Renee Weijers, teacher, Academie
Reynaldo Perez, Consultant, Dkt womancare
Richard S. Mugenyi, Advocacy and Communications Manager , Reproductive Health Uganda riesa van doorn, Student, Masters in Information Law and master’s in Public Policy and Human Development
Rim Kalfayan, R&D officer, –
Rivhelle, Ambtenaar gemeente, Hbo
Rodrigo Portugues, Commercial Director, WomanCare Global Trading CIC
Ros Davies, Member, UK Network of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
Rosa Seidler, Communications, European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights
Rosemary Adejoh, Program Officer Sexual Reproductive Health, Non Profit organization Rosie, Student , YSA
Roy Tjiong, volunteer, volunteer
Ruth Fletcher, Senior Lecturer in Medical Law, Queen Mary University of London
Ruth Labode, Chairperson of Parliamentary Committee , She Decides Global Champion
, Parliamentary Committee on Health Chairperson , She Decides Global Champion Sabina Pokhrel, 25×25 Young Leader, Health Science
Sabine Fürst, Head of domestic programmes, Ärzte der Welt
Sadiksha Dahal , Volunteer , Organizational
Saidy Brown , Youth Advocate, She decides
Saloua ghrissa, Professeur, Université Zaytouna
Sameek Khan, Sales Consultant, Dkt womancare
Sara Yaneth Fernández Moreno, Titular Professor, Universidad de Antioquia
Sarah Bracke, Professor of Sociology of Gender and Sexuality, University of Amsterdam Sarah Hyde, Consultant, Consultant
sarojini nadimpally, Founder, Sama Resource Group for Women and Health
Saskia Husken, Senior Technical Advisor, Rutgers
Satoko Yamaguchi, Program Coordinator, YWCA of Japan/ Beijing+25 Youth Task Force Sebastiaan Gunter, Consultant, Organisation
Senait Fisseha, Professor , University of Michigan
Shaila Shahid, Senior Advisor-Climate Change, DRR and Gender, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
shale ahmed, executive director, bandhu social welfare society
Shama Karkal, Chairperson, Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health Sharon Fisher, International President, Soroptimist International
Sharon McMenamin , Student, LYIT
Shehroze Shaikh, Career Advisor, Beaconhouse School System, Beaconhouse School System Shu Darden, QA director, WCG SAS
Sibylle Auer, Project Coordinator, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V.
Siri Suh, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Brandeis University
Sirina Sompingda Ouedraogo, Medical student, medical student’s association of Burkina Faso Sita Shahi, Regional coordinator , International community of women living with HIV Asia pacific (ICWAP)
Sneha Nair, Communications Officer, Women First Digital
Sofía Jiménez Poiré, Sexual Identity Program Coordinator, Balance A.C.
Sophie Abeln, Padiatric physiotherapist, Zorgwaard vof
Soraya, Student, Researcher
Souhaila Bensaid, President, ATP+
Stefanie Geich-Gimbel, Programme Manager, Kindernothilfe
Stella Boekhout-Harms, Nurse, HBO Verpleegkunde HU Utrecht
Stephanie Buyck, Freelance interpreter, /
Sumaira Waseem, Student, Bahria University
Sylvia Hamata, Champion, SheDecides
Tamana Ayazi, Journalist and Filmmaker , President
Tariro Kutadza, Project Officer, GCTA
Tendayi Westerhof, National Coordinator, PAPWC-ZIM
Terry McGovern, Professor, Columbia University
Tessa Deggeller, Student, Utrecht University
Thuthukile Mbatha , Researcher and SRHR activist, SheDecides South Africa
Tiny mersch, Kraamverzorgster, ?
Tom Nys, PhD Researcher, Loughborough University
Trees Luiten , Titired, Prof
True Overholt, Marketing Director, DKT WomanCare Global
Tugba Kiratli-Spriewald, Speaker of the Board, PUDUHEPA e.V.
Ubani Arukwe, Project Manager, Organization
Vanessa, Research Assistant, Arab Institute for Women
Vanita Mukherjee, Executive Member , DAWN
Vezi Makalima, Southern Africa Regional Sales Rep, Dkt womancare
Wahid Ferchichi , Professeur de droit, Université de Carthage Tunisie
Wendy Savage, Retired Senior lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, QMUL and Middlesex University
Winfried Zacher, Member, Deutsche Allianz KLimawandel und Gesundheit
Yangday La, Young Leader , SheDecides
Ysatis Santiago, Project Lead, Taller Salud
Yuki Kusano, Board Member, Japan Women’s Watch
Yvonne Killaars, Government, Ma
Zainab Nadeem, Medical Student , The Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi Zeina Abu Sitteh, Media and Marketing Assistant, TPM
Zoeli Ayala-García, Psychologist, None
Zoya Anwer, Independent Journalist , WWU
Zwanny Naber, Union official, University
Freelance journalist / ّصحفي, صحفي حر ,كمال العبيدي