(CSW) DAWN Parallel Event at the 54th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

“Development Debates in a Fierce New World: Feminisms at the Crossroads”

The first decade of the 21st century has been marked so far by unprecedented global crises. Historically accumulated as well as externally generated crises in its varied forms and fierce intensities have come to affect not only developing countries but now also developed countries. As the international community struggles to find ways of managing the multiple risks associated with these crises, DAWN members interrogate how gender justice, economic justice, rights, and democracy are being taken into account, defined, and positioned in the resolutions to crises in all their complexities. Each speaker will argue that inter-governmental commitments to women’s rights and gender equality are in dire predicament as these are challenged, minimalized and tolerated, or completely compromised in ongoing inter-governmental processes. Ways forward will be discussed.

WHEN: March 5, 2010 @ 2:00PM

WHERE: Salvation Army Auditorium (221 East 52nd Street – between 2nd and 3rd Ave.)


  • Marina Durano: Development Policies Amidst the Local-Global Tensions: Has the State Lost Its Appeal?
  • Gigi Francisco: Feminist Organizing Under Dysfunctional Multilateralism
  • Noelene Nabulivou: The Mysterious Case of Appearing and Disappearing Women: Sexual Rights and Freedoms in the Pacific
  • Zo Randriamaro: Political Ecology Challenges to Food Sovereignty
  • Kumudini Samuel: Internationalization of Militarization: Dilemmas in Global Responses
  • Gita Sen: Can Human Rights Tame a Techno-Economic Militaristic Global Order

MODERATOR: Anita Nayar

Podcast available, search for ‘CSW 54’ at the Podcast section.