
(CSW) Rural Women and Development: Interventions by Marina Durano at CSW 56

“Politicize CEDAW Article 14(a): Rural Women and the Triple Crisis”

Presentation by Marina Durano at a panel organized by the Women’s UN Report Network (WUNRN) and UN-Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) as a Side Event to the 56th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women on 2 March 2012.

Among the long-standing questions we are facing is how best to fully implement commitments in Article 14 of the CEDAW. CEDAW’s Article 14 placed special emphasis on rural women’s lives. The recommendations in Article 14 may be grouped into three broad areas, which are: participation and organizing, social security and services, and access to finance and assets. This requires from governments the formulation of rural development strategies and agricultural policies take into provisions in Article 14. What we are doing today is discussing this issue at a time when the UNFPA reports1 that more than half of the world’s population is now living in urban areas. This population shift would seem to make the concerns of the rural poor less significant, especially if the concerns of the urban poor captures the attention of policy makers.

Download the full presentation here: CSW-Marina_2012-Mar-7

Rural Women’s Participation in All Levels of Development Planning: What Democracy Has to Do With Development

Presented at the United Nations International Women’s Day 2012 Celebration on 7 March 2012

Click the TITLES above to read Marina’s interventions and view her video presentations HERE

(Video Sources: WUNRN and www.unmultimedia.org)

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