CSW Side Event – The Right to Development

The Right to Development: The Centrality of Women’s Human Rights

Side Event co-sponsored by the Government of Uruguay, Government of Fiji, UNWomen and DAWN
The right to development, as well as women’s human rights and their essential role in development have been recognized and reaffirmed multiple times by member states in different international forums and agreed outcome documents, including at highest level in the Millennium Development Declaration in 2000 and outcome document of the Rio Summit in 2012 “The Future We Want”. This side event will focus on why and how women’s human rights are integral and central to realizing the “right to development”. Equally, women’s human rights cannot be fulfilled without protecting and promoting the right to development. Speakers will explore how development, equality, sustainability, peace, human rights are crosscutting, mutually reinforcing and inextricably interlinked, and what development framework, laws and policies, and accountability mechanisms are needed to ensure that human rights of women and rights related to gender equality, are recognized as the ultimate end of development.
Hon. Rosy Akbar, Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation, Fiji
H.E. Ambassador Gonzalo Koncke, Uruguay’s Special Envoy, Chief Executive in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the United Nations
Nicole Bidegain, DAWN, Uruguay
Noelene Nabulivou, DIVA for Equality, Pacific Feminist SRHR Coalition, Fiji
Cai Yiping, DAWN, China
Ruth Nyambura, Agrarian Transformation(s) in Africa, Kenya
Moderated by: Gita Sen, General Coordinator of DAWN, and Lakshmi Puri, Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director of UNWomen.
Tuesday, 17 March, 11.30am to 12.45pm
Room 11, UNHQ*
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