DAWN at the first Women’s Rights and Tax Justice Convening

From the 13 to the 15 of June took place in Bogota, Colombia, the first Women’s Rights and Tax Justice Convening, where representatives of DAWN and dozens other women, human rights, workers and fiscal justice organizations shared ideas and experiences on the relationship between tax and gender justice. ​

The activity was organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Public Services International (PSI), Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), and Tax Justice Network (TJN).

Corina Rodríguez, member of DAWN´s Executive Committee, presented the conclusions of the report “Illicit Financial Flows Undermining Gender Justice”, prepared in collaboration with Verónica Grondona and Nicole Bidegain and published last year by FES and DAWN.

The meeting marked the consolidation of a movement for tax justice in relation to gender justice, committed to think and carry forward specific strategies of struggle and resistance in this field.