DAWN at the international preparatory meeting towards the Feminist Forum against G20

Representatives from grassroot and civil society organizations, trade-unions, cooperatives, self-managed projects enterprises, LGBTQI groups, universities, human rights organizations, professional associations and other feminist and women´s rights activists from different regions of Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico and Spain participated in the organizational meeting of the Feminist Forum against G20 that took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, last 7th of August.

DAWN was represented by Alejandra Scampini, Florencia Partenio and Corina Rodríguez Enríquez.

The Feminist Forum against G20 comes from a process of collective work that began with the First Forum during the Global Week of Action Against the World Trade Organization (WTO) in December 2017; and continued at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Bahia, Brazil.

The Feminist Forum has been undertaking education initiatives, such as the First Webinar Feminists towards the G20, and the “Green Tuesday” activity in Argentina: Why fight together against the IMF, the adjustment and the G20? It has also been participating in the broader coalition of international civil society movements organizing the Global Action Week and People’s Summit against the G20, that will take place from November 25 to the 1st of December in Buenos Aires, parallel to the G20 Presidential Summit.

The meeting served to advance in the coordination of strategies and actions. Upcoming activities include a training session for journalists on August 21; and a series of educational sessions in the Argentinian provinces of Córdoba, Mendoza, and Catamarca.

The meeting closed with a collective action in support of the legalization of abortion in Argentina (Pañuelazo por #AbortoLegal rumbo a la vigilia) and in Brazil (#ADPF442 #NemPresaNemMorta).

For more information on the Feminist Forum, visit the official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/forofeministacontraelg20/

EMAIL: asambleatrabajadoras@gmail.com