As part of the Women’s Working Group on FfD, DAWN co-organized a Women’s Forum (10th July), supported the organization of the Civil Society Forum (11th and 12th of July) and fully engaged in the Third Conference on FfD (13th to 16th of July). DAWN shared its major concerns regarding the Addis Ababa Action Agenda with Member States, through oral interventions in the official meeting as well as in side events and talks with the media.

DAWN at the Women’s Forum (10th July, 2015)

DAWN co-organized the Women’s Forum on Financing for Development – Feminist Perspectives on the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which was held at the Dreamliner Hotel, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Friday 10th July, 2015. Women and feminist organizations from different regions of the world gathered to discuss the issues at stake in the Financing for Development negotiations and strategized on ways to overcome global obstacles for gender justice and sustainable and equitable development. The DAWN team was composed of Corina Rodriguez Enriquez (Argentina), Nicole Bidegain Ponte (Uruguay), Marina Durano (Philippines), Veronica Serafini (Paraguay), Rama Salla Dieng (Senegal) and Ruth Nyambura (Kenya). Nicole coordinated the Opening Plenary: “Red Flags for Women’s Rights around the Third Financing for Development Conference”, where key concerns and recommendations were presented by Marina on Systemic Issues and Corina on taxation. In the afternoon, Rama and Ruth actively engaged in the African working group on regional priorities while Veronica, along with Corina and Nicole, did the same for the Latin American one.

DAWN also shared with participants the following key contributions:

Moreover, the drafting of the WWG reaction to the Addis Ababa Action Agenda was co-coordinated by DAWN. Based on the inputs received, a version was circulated in the CSO Forum as a contribution towards the collective statement. •

DAWN was also very active in coordinating the WWG publication Realizing Women’s Human Rights in Development  that was officially launched on 13th July, 2015. Rama and Ruth from the DAWN team fully engaged in the discussion and the drafting of the  African Women’s Recommendations on Financing for Development  (FFD3).

DAWN Interventions at the Civil Society Forum (11th to 12th July, 2015)

DAWN fully engaged in the Civil Society Forum, where more than 600 CSOs and networks gathered, to discuss the different FfD issues and agree on recommendations to convey to the Member States and the UN.

Opening Plenary: Nicole Bidegain Ponte intervention at the Opening Plenary, Addis Ababa, 11 July, 2015 (eng)

Roundtable 2: Financing Gender Equality, Women’s Rights and Economic Justice, Addis Ababa, 11 July, 2015

Nicole Bidegain Ponte – intervention (eng)

Corina Rodriguez Enriquez – intervention (eng)

Members of the CSO Addis Coordinating Group

DAWN actively contributed to the Addis Ababa CSO FfD Forum Declaration – 12th July, 2015.

DAWN Interventions at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (13th – 16th of July, 2015)

Open Plenary of the Third International Conference on FfD: Rama Salla Dieng (DAWN and WWG) and Stefano Prato (CSO FfD) delivered the statement on behalf of the CSO FfD Group at the Open Plenary of the Third International Conference on FfD, Addis Ababa, 13 July, 2015 (eng) Watch the UN Webcast in the following link.

Round table 1: DAWN Executive Committee member and WWG representative, Corina Rodriguez Enriquez, contributed with a statement at Roundtable 1: Global partnership and the three dimensions of sustainable development, during the International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3), in Addis Ababa on Monday 13 July, 2015 (eng)

Roundtable 6: DAWN Team member and WWG representative, Marina Durano delivered a statement on Ensuring policy coherence and an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development, Addis Ababa, 16 Juy 2015 (eng) Watch the intervention in the following link (from 1:17:45 to 1:21:02) DAWN co-coordinated the finalization of the WWG on FfD Reaction to the Outcome Document of the Third FfD Conference: Addis Ababa Action Agenda and also contributed to the CSO Response to FfD Addis Ababa Action Agenda – 16 July, 2015. Both documents were presented to Member States, UN Agencies and International community during the FfD

Conference. • Full reaction available in English at the following link: Women’s Working Group Reaction to Addis Ababa Action Agenda – 17 July 2015 • Reacción completa en castellano disponible en el siguiente link: Grupo de Trabajo de Mujeres sobre FpD Reacción a la Agenda de Acción de Addis Abeba – 17 de julio • Réaction complète en français disponible au lien suivant: Group de Travail des Femmes Réaction au Programme D’Action d’Addis Abeba – 17 juillet.

Press Releases – Women’s Working Group Reaction to Addis Ababa Action Agenda • Women’s Working Group Reaction to Addis Ababa Action Agenda – 17 July 2015 -Press Release • Grupo Trabajo Mujeres Reacción a AAAA – 17 de julio 2015 Nota de prensaGroup de Travail des Femmes Réaction Programme d’Action d’Addis Abeba – 17 juillet note de presse.

DAWN Interventions in Side Events (12th – 16th July, 2015)

DAWN Executive Committee member and Women’s Working Group representative, Corina Rodriguez Enriquez, delivered a contribution at the side event “Expanding the Debate on Tax Reform”, which was sponsored by the Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), in Addis Ababa on Sunday 12 July, 2015. (eng)

DAWN Team member and Women’s Working Group representative, Marina Durano, delivered a statement at the side event “Financing Gender Equality, Human Rights and Economic Justice: Getting the Right(s) Balance in the FfD Addis Ababa Action Agenda”, Addis Ababa, 13 July, 2015.(eng) The latest WWG publication “Realizing Women’s Human Rights in Development”, which DAWN actively contributed to, was launched at the event.

DAWN Team member, Marina Durano, delivered a statement at the side event “Reimagining Regional and Feminist Policies to Finance Socio-Economic Transformation: A Dialogue between Government and Civil Society at FfD3”, on14 July, 2015, co-organized by DAWN with Regions Refocus 2015, Third World Network, Social Watch, Third World Network-Africa, Latindadd, Diverse Voices and Action for Equality, and Arab NGO Network for Development. Examples of progressive regional policies were discussed in the side event. “Ahead of the Post-2015 Summit, Progressive Regional Policies Challenge Corporatization of Financing for Development Agenda” .

DAWN Interventions at the CSO Press Conference (16th July, 2015)

See Marina Durano, DAWN – WWG intervention at the CSO Press Conference, 15 July, 2015, Addis Ababa in the following link.