
In this issue:

World Social Forum 2002, Porto Alegre, Brazil:

  • Expanding the debate on Global Tobin Tax. An excerpt from Gigi Francisco’s presentation at the conference session on Controlling Capital Finance convened by ATTAC at the World Social Forum. 
  • Finance Capital Controls
  • Discussion panel: Health, Medicines, HIV-AIDS

From the 4th PrepCom Front Line:

  • Financial Transaction Taxes: Evaluating National Experiences, by Sonia Correa. From a paper presented at a panel at the 4th Prepcom for Financing for Development held in New York 14-25 January 2002. 
  • Emerging consensus on FfD? A View of the 4th FfD PrepCom
  • Genderscapes in the FfD process

Other articles:

  • Gender still on the margins. From a report in the IPS UN journal by Mithre J. Sandrasagra
  • DAWN / IGTN Address the German Parliament
  • ASIA-PACIFIC Builds on DAWN Statement
  • Reflections on New Directions for African Women. Excerpts from the opening address given by DAWN Anglophone Africa Regional Coordinator, Bene Madunagu, at the joint meeting of the Society for International Development, SID, and DAWN, held in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania. 
  • Strategising to continue the WTO battle
  • Development Studies or Development Economics: moving forward from TINA. Note for UNRISD conference on “The need to rethink development economics”, Capet Town, September 7-8, 2001. By Gita Sen.
  • Sexuality as a Component of the ICPD Agenda: Between too much and too little. Excerpts from a paper by Sonia Correa.