
DAWN Informs May 2005

In this issue:

  • Talk MDGs, Think BPA. Excerpts from a presentation by Peggy Antrobus on the AWID, DAWN, UNIFEM, WEDO and WICEJ panel in New York, 3 March 2005
  • Survival only for Beijing Platform, by Alejandra Scampini
  • WSIS Process: Identifying gender issues in ICT
  • Excerpts from the Gender Caucus Statement that Magaly Pazello delivered to WSIS PrepCom2, Geneva, 18 February 2005
  • Taking Finance to Task: Exceprts from the statement Anita Gurumurthy read at the WSIS PrepCom2 plenary on financing the information society in Geneva on 17 February 2005
  • WTO+10 – Development and Gender Tensions Remain
  • The Relationship of Research to Activism in the Making of Policy: Lessons from Gender and Development. Excerpts from a paper by Gita Sen
  • Losing Ground from Barbados to Mauritius. UN International meeting to review the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), held in Mauritius 6-14 January 2005
  • WSF highlights – Porto Alegre, January 2005
  • DAWN Traning Insititue