In our previous issue of the DAWN Informs launched in March 2022 we posed a series of challenges and questions regarding the contributions feminism can make to reimagining possible futures, including the challenges posed by the transition to a post-pandemic phase. 

In this special issue of DAWN Informs, we not only delve into the difficulties associated with the growing influence of a digitally mediated environment but also set out a roadmap for contributing to activism supporting the feminist digital justice agenda. The articles in this publication shed light on how digitalisation is affecting the economic, labour, and human rights conditions of women and LGBTI+ people in the global South. The starting point for these reflections is the Declaration of Feminist Digital Justice, launched in March 2023.

The collective work of the Feminist Digital Justice Principles Working Group for nearly two years has sought to contribute to this agenda, noting the challenges but also recognising the importance of strengthening alliances. Building on the deliberations of the thirty-five-member working group, a vision statement outlining feminist principles of digital justice emerged, a direct result of bringing together the key concerns and action agendas.

The authors of the articles gathered here include feminists working on the frontline of feminist digital justice from diverse experiences, social movements, countries, and registers. Each article contributes to the debate and deepening of aspects addressed in the four core principles that structure the Declaration of Feminist Digital Justice: the feminist digital economy, a digital society based on reciprocity and solidarity, a digital state grounded in a feminist social contract, and a feminist paradigm for digital governance.

We hope that these contributions will allow you to reflect, debate, and strengthen your tools of activism for another digital world