DAWN Supported the Maternal Mortality Resolution in the Human Rights Council

On June 16, 2009, the HRC Resolution on Maternal Mortality and Morbidity was finally adopted. This was a culmination of over a year of consistent and persistent work of a number of groups, one of which was DAWN.

DAWN worked on the intersectional issues of maternal mortality and human rights. At the 8th Session of the HRC held in June 2008, DAWN representatives expressed support for the proposal of a resolution on maternal mortality and human rights. Since then, DAWN has linked up with other CSOs and has worked in close partnership with partner States and relevant UN agencies in strategizing towards the collective development and promotion of a resolution on Maternal Mortality and Human Rights, which was tabled and adopted by consensus at the 11th Session of the HRC, in June 2009. DAWN was one of the CSOs that co-sponsored a panel debate entitled “Combating maternal mortality: why bring human rights into the picture?”, which took place on June 5th, 2009, as a parallel event to the 11th session.