DAWN Training Institute Cape Town, South Africa (2007)

The third DAWN Training Institute was held from November 17 to December 2007 in Cape Town, South Africa. Over a hundred applications were received and selection based on stated criteria to ensure independence and fairness was carried out by a committee. Out of the 35 selected participants, 28 attended the training for three weeks.

The DAWN Research and Regional Coordinators had worked together for more than a year holding two Steering Committee Meetings to conceptualize the training; fine-tune its aims and objectives and programme content; and prepare a course reader. Particular attention was given to providing an environment that would place participants from diverse backgrounds at ease, and make them able to cope with the demands of the programme. Team teaching and support were provided by DAWN Coordinators, with six external resource persons with sound knowledge of DAWN Thematic Areas, invited from Latin America, USA, Brazil and South Africa.

The methodology adopted was very interactive. Peer groups provided a good opportunity to share experiences in depth and a space for more inclusive engagement among participants. Case studies also enabled participants to do research while building team spirit and inspire group confidence. The group presentation was quite rewarding, allowing participants to test their own learning level.

The value of the training was on the understanding of how the women’s movement is interlinked and how it can make interlinkages with other social movements. Some participants felt they would try to replicate some of the learning strategies from the DTI in their own work areas.

An evaluation by both participants and trainers indicated that the training was a great success. Below are some of the commitments they made:

*Use information gained to strengthen analysis;

*Facilitate dialogue with peers on DAWN’s interlinkages analysis;

*Apply a more holistic analysis to work at the national level;

*Identify new advocacy sites and make linkages and interlinkages;

*Introduce different perspectives and interlinkages analysis to students;

*Use the DAWN analysis to look at current work and programmes;

*Integrate DAWN analysis into training modules for young women;

*Engage in research and advocacy