Double Mainstreaming Gender Equality & Climate Change in Post-MDG Sustainable Development Approaches

As the world sketches out possible outlines of a post-2015 framework, serious shortcomings of the current MDGs, chief among them the neglect of MDG 7 on environmental sustainability and relegating gender equality to one distinct MDG with limited indicators instead of addressing gender equality as an overarching approach for all MDGs, need to be addressed front and center. Learning from the MDG process and its shortcomings, the proposed post-MDG set of sustainable development goals (SDGs) has to address in a cross-cutting manner the urgent challenge of climate change as well as persistent gender inequalities as they affect and limit the right and potential of countries and their populations to development and a decent life. In order to succeed, truly sustainable development needs to look at ways to bring care economy and greener economic approaches together. Securing finance as a means of implementation for sustainable development is therefore crucial, but will only be supportive if current development and climate finance processes and mechanisms become more democratic and gender-responsive.
Monday, March 17, 2:30 – 4 pm
Church Center, 10th floor
  • Noelene Nabulivou, Diverse Voices and Action for Equality; DAWN;  Women’s Major Group on Sustainable Development; AP-CSAG to UN-Women
  • Anna Falth, UN Women
  • Savi Bisnath, Center for Women’s Global Leadership
  • Eleanor Blomstrom, WEDO
Moderator/Introduction:  Liane Schalatek, Heinrich Boell Foundation North America