Economies Through Data

Within the framework of the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies, DAWN’s School of Feminist Economics once again organized a pedagogical space.

The virtual meeting featured a presentation by Anita Gurumurthy, a specialist in digital economybig data, and its links with social and gender justice. Anita is the founder and executive director of IT for Change and coordinator of the Feminist Digital Justice Project, in partnership with DAWN. She is a feminist scholar and researcher on digital economy and society, with a focus on the political economy of development.

In this masterclass, we analyzed the conditions of the global expansion of data extractivist capitalism, the digital economy, and platform work. The COVID-19 Pandemic has intensified the virtualization of tasksservices, and jobs. Tech giants and “smart corporations” are among the winners during this period. In face of this, we asked ourselves:  what new normative frameworks facilitate the regulation and protection of rights? How are the struggles for labor rights and digital justice articulated? How do we build transformative economies based on digital sovereignty?
Is it possible to build digital sovereignty with a feminist framework?