(FfD) Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Financing for Development (Pre-Doha Review Conference)

Statement by the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development (November 2008)

1. We, women from women’s rights organisations and networks gathered in Doha before the official Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) to review the Monterrey Consensus, have been working to ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment are at the centre of the FfD process.

2. The Doha FfD Conference is taking place at a time of financial, food and fuel crises. The combined negative effects of these crises on the real economy and prices exacerbate women’s struggle for livelihoods, food security and improvements in their well-being and those of their families and communities. This is not a new phenomenon nor entirely unanticipated in a systemic order where structural inequalities and discrimination disproportionately affect women’s share of burdens.

Click DOWNLOAD to read the full statement

Click HERE more information on the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development (WWG on FfD)

The WWG on FfD listserv gender-in-ffd@googlegroups.com is a vehicle to exchange information, updates and feminist analyses on FfD issues and to advance development alternatives. To join the listserv or for more information, please contact info@dawnnet.org. You may also visit http://www.ffdngo.org for more details WWG on FfD activities.