Free Speech More Important than Free Trade: Vanuatu Government must respect rights of ni-Vanuatu

In the lead up to International Human Rights Day on December 10th 2011, we the undersigned Vanuatu, Pacific and international organisations express our deep solidarity and support for the ongoing struggles of local communities, NGOs, Churches, Chiefs and business individuals in Vanuatu calling for urgent and meaningful dialogue with their government on the recent decision of Vanuatu accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Accession to the WTO will commit Vanuatu to a set of rigid and enforceable trade rules that are extremely hard to change or withdraw if they do not meet sustainable developmental promises, nor if they result in violations to the human rights of ni-Vanuatu. In this complex global situation of interlinked crises of food, fuel, finance and climate change, it is more important that ever to ensure that trade negotiations are conducted with full and open access to citizens of information, dialogue and decision-making.

Article 22 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights affirms that everyone, as a member of society, has “the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.”[1]


Vanuatu government must walk with its people on WTO decision – PCC (Pacific Conference of Churches)

The Pacific Conference of Churches is urging the Government of Vanuatu to reconsider its decision to silence the church body and other ni-Vanuatu voices trying to fulfull their rightful responsibility as fellow burden-sharers in such an important decision. Click HERE to view press release by PCC

[1] UDHR: Article 22.


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