
[EBOOKS] “Linking Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice: feminist perspectives form Latin American”

In acknowledgement of the urgent need for more effective and interlinked feminist responses from the economic South involving and in support of women advocates working in areas of gender and development, DAWN organized a series of regional and interregional consultations and training institutes on “Strengthening Policy Analysis and Advocacy on Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice (GEEJ)” in the Pacific, Africa, Latin America, Caribbean and in Asia between 2010 to 2014. The final GEEJ meeting was inter-regional and brought together feminists from all the regions of the global South.

The GEEJ project brought together feminists working in various spheres of gender, economic and ecological justice. Among them were researchers and analysts from academia and civil society; policy makers from government, inter-governmental and regional institutions; and young and local women activists. The GEEJ initiative provided venues and creative spaces for sharing information on a range of global and regional responses to the world’s multiple crises; mapping current measures, mechanisms and programs at national and regional levels; discussing possibilities, constraints and contradictions; and building capacity in policy analysis and advocacy on key gender, economic and climate justice issues, and their inter-linkages. Moreover, in the GEEJ process, DAWN encouraged and supported young feminists and women’s rights advocates to actively engage in transforming global economic and climate change governance structures and contribute to policy proposals and social movement activism, including at the Rio+20 conference, and the 20 year review of both the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the UN Conference on Women in Beijing, at national, regional and global levels. The GEEJ process also prepared and encouraged young feminists from the global South to engage in, and shape the debates and advocacy on, the post 2015 agenda and sustainable development goals (SDGs) and Financing for Development (FfD).

The GEEJ ebook is one of the outputs from the long and inspiring journey of the GEEJ process and the young women who were part of it. It is a convincing example of how inter-linkage and cross-regional analysis and perspective are crucial in responding to current global development issues and challenges. As importantly, it highlights the indispensability of such analysis in building transformative development alternatives that prioritize human needs and rights over profit through structural and systematic shifts in governance, financing, and resource distribution to ensure Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice.

The eBook is bilingual: Spanish and English and titled: Linking Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice: feminist perspectives form Latin American / Vinculando la justicia de género, económica y ecológica: perspectivas feministas desde América Latina.

We most sincerely thank Alejandra Santillana, a GEEJ alumni from Latin America, who took the lead to conceptualize, compile and edit this book, with support from DAWN Executive Committee members and the secretariat. We also thank all who have contributed, with written and creative work, to this compilation.