Human Rights,Trade and Finance Linkages

DAWN actively calls for the integration of human rights in financing for development. Last year, it participated in the International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus in Doha, held at a time when there were clear signs showing the failure of national and international governance institutions and the inability of regulatory systems to respond to the need to stabilize financial markets. At the conference, governments recognized and affirmed that “all human rights derive from the dignity and worth inherent in the human person, and that the human person is the central subject of human rights and fundamental freedoms…”, and noted that “the promotion and protection of human rights is a matter of priority for the international community”. The conference also reaffirmed “the right to development as established in the Declaration on the Right to Development, as a universal and inalienable right and an integral part of fundamental human rights.”

Gigi Francisco represented DAWN in this conference and attended the workshop entitled “Vienna Meets Monterey: Integrating human rights in financing for development,” organized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in conjunction with the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Network (ESCR-Net) and the Center of Concern (CoC), where she made a presentation on “Human Rights, Investment and Social Risk Insurances in a Period of Financial Globalization”.