New Publication of the International Commission of Jurists

The Casebook is the first book of its kind. It collects and analyzes judicial decisions from more than 100 courts around the world. The Casebook showcases the role of international and comparative law in litigation seeking to vindicate the human rights of LGBT individuals. It is organized into fourteen chapters, each consisting of an introduction to the main legal issues and arguments followed by detailed case summaries. The chapters cover topics ranging from decriminalisation and employment discrimination to gender expression, military service and partnership recognition. The cases are both old and new and collectively they trace the progression of the twin norms of equality and universality.

Excerpt from the Introduction:

“. . . the ICJ hopes that the Casebook will stand as evidence for the claim that law on sexual orientation and gender identity is truly global in nature. A court in New Delhi is referring not only to the decisions of courts in Strasbourg or Washington. It is also, and perhaps especially, paying attention to precedents established in South Africa, Hong Kong and elsewhere. Activists in Thailand and Guyana assert the right to cross-dress. Individuals in Kampala and Kathmandu demand judicial enforcement of their rights under international law. People everywhere want their relationships — with their partners, with their children — to receive legal recognition and protection.”

The law is about people. Court decisions change individual lives for better or worse. This book is a tribute to the lawyers, activists and courageous litigants who sought to use the law to defend their rights. This project was also truly a collaborative effort. Many of you contributed your time and knowledge by suggesting cases, translators, and other resources. Your suggestions and support were invaluable. Thank you!
The ICJ hopes that the Casebook will be of use to legal practitioners everywhere and will encourage human rights litigation in domestic courts.

Alli Jernow
Senior Legal Advisor, Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Project
International Commission of Jurists
P.O. Box 91
33 Rue des Bains
1211 Geneva 8